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The light of the sun peeks through the thin
Curtains  the time was 1:55 pm as Eiji turned in bed their is a knock that the door then entered.
lbe-san sighed to Eiji still in bed "Eiji, Eiji it's time to wake up, Come on Eiji it's already 2:00".

Eiji povs
"Eiji, please wake up."
I turn. "What, why are you waking me up at this hour?"
lbe-san sighed again "Eiji it's 2:06." This bad habit I got from ash
"Bad habit I got from my  parents" lbe-san could only nod as he leaves the room, God I'm seeing Ash today and I already know what he is going to ask me, lbe-san comes back to the room "Oh Eiji, Charlie said that ash wants to see you" bingo
"Oh ok."  I sat up as lbe-san left once again, I have
Nothing to wear I think as I head to the bathroom every thing was too bright as I turn on the lights I look in the mirror to see that my skin looked more pale then it should have it wasn’t its healthy tan skin Like it was when I got here, I washed my mouth and face, and walk out I pull out a long sleeve turtleneck along with a T-shirt and ripped baggy jeans to think that my sense of fashion is getting better"Eiji hurry up it's already 2:27 we are going to be late" I quickly change and rush downstairs "wait lbe-san before we go to see ash can I stop by the store for cigarettes please " as if lbe-san was going to say no but knew he couldn’t being himself to say no at all "make it quick Eiji".

Skip time

It wasn’t quick. lbe-san had wanted to come with me he said he wanted gum trying to quit smoking himself, but
What was funny is a 18 year old is getting cigarettes and a 30 something  year old man is getting gum as lbe-san puts his gum on the counter I look up at the cashier to notice it was the same cashier from a couple days ago And he seemed to notices that too "Newports cigarettes?" It was him alright "yes please" he grabs two packs of Newports and puts them on the counter." Your new Total is $12.67 cash or card?" He said lbe-san gets out his wallet and pays with cash we leave quickly as lbe-san calls a taxi I get my brand new pack of cigarettes and My lighter and I do this quickly to inhale the sweet Nicotine "come Eiji I got a taxi" that was quick, the ride was quiet in a loud way but my mind goes to ash is he okay I  Wonder if The old man is doing his part the taxi come to a stop lbe-san is first to get out it took me a few seconds to get out of the taxi But it was hard to think knowing what is going to happen in the next hour

"Shunichi?!" lbe-san looked up it was Charlie."What's going on?" lbe-san didn't answer "I'm okay lbe-san just feeling tired, and you should give the man a tip for keeping him here" I slid out of the car lbe-san payed the man and gave him a tip Charlie also looked worried "Eiji are you okay?" I nodded "just tired" that wasn't enough to convince Charlie but he didn't say anything as we enter it gets louder and of course they check us for any weapons which is obvious I don't have one me right now when we enter the visiting room I see Aslan sitting at the table already but something seemed off about him that maybe I didn't notice the first time around " hey Ash" Aslan looks up "hey Eiji" he was smiling " I heard that you wanted to see me" he nodded  "y-yes... yes, I-i did... yes I did want to see you"  Aslan stuttering no " my my is the mighty lnyx stuttering" Aslan gave me a playful glare " I did not tell Charlie I wanted to see you just so you can tease me" I let out a small giggle " sorry why did you want to see me" when I notice little markings on his neck what happened the two day he was  here? "Are You and lbe still taking pictures?" I nod no. "lbe-san said it was too dangerous to get near the bar, but shorter said there had been no sign of Arthur." Aslan clinched his jaw " fucking coward" I turn to look where it was my mentor he was sitting at the other table three tables down he was sitting with Max, Max seems to notice someone was watching he turned to look over here we make eye contact for what felt like an hour, I turn my attention back to Aslan he seem to notice my distraction "Eiji are you feeling okay?" I nod " so have you and shorter been hanging out or something" I nod again " yes he took me to my checkup at the hospital yesterday I think I fell asleep on him" Aslan now was smirking " and knowing him I bet he took pictures" I shake my head as a roll of my eyes " only in your dreams you will see those pictures" as if he was fainting his hand clenching the shirt where his heart is "you hurt me Eiji~"
I see lbe-san along with Charlie coming towards us "Eiji time to go" shit it was time “It was nice to see you Ash, you’ll be out of here soon,” he managed to keep the quiver out of his voice and tried to casually fiddle with his hands.
As he braced himself, Aslan took a step forward, caressing his hair and then speaking in a low tone,
“You should come alone next time, Eiji,”
Those lithe fingers danced across his jaw before settling on his cheek. The little gesture made his face feel warm and tingly.
But it was not blushing feeling it was a sad Damn timeline. I slowly lay my hand on his, but I quickly let my hand drop 
I vaguely felt the pill slide into his mouth, and I feel a burn In my eyes,  my eyes still closed it took me a second to open my eyes I look up to see ash with a confused look I put my hand to my mouth, the tears finally fell Aslan's eye widened, all I can do is walk away "you Idiot" I say to my self,  why now you let your wall fall you fucking Idiot when you been working so hard trying to Shut off my feelings so it wouldn't fuck up things, I walk in to the men's bathroom and let the pill drop into my hand I break it apart and read the message once again But one thing was different it said trust no one  but why would I trust anyone
No shit but I'm not going to see Shorter at the restaurant. I'm going to do it my way.

[Words 1229]
Sorry it took me so long. I went
on a mental health break.

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