Hospital and Court

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CeCe and Niko got in the backseat of Bella's red Ferrari. 

I put her in the passenger seat. 

I got in the driver's seat. 

I put the keys in the ignition. 

The engine started. 

I adjusted the rearview mirror, so I could use it since it was too low. 

Bella was 5'5 while I was 6'5. 

I put the gear shift into reverse. 

I reversed out of the parking spot after making sure no people or cars were in my way of doing so. 

I put the gear shift into drive. 

I took off driving to the hospital. 

I took Bella's left hand in mine. 

"It's alright, baby." 

CeCe stroked her long black hair. 


A red Ferrari passed us. 

"It's alright, baby." It was Brady. 

I saw CeCe stroking Bella's long black hair. 


"Call her. Right now." I told CeCe, handing her her phone. 

Bella had taken it from her. 


CeCe was calling Shanann. 


I was in Colorado at the house on the back porch. 

My phone rang. 

I pulled it out of my back pocket. 

It was CeCe. 

I answered it. 

"Bella finished testifying after his Lawyer questioned her. She collapsed. I guess talking about it really got to her." 

"Or the stress finally got to her." 

"The Judge recessed Court until Bella is cleared by the hospital. Since they were going youngest to oldest. Brady was next. And Aunt Nickole was going after him. They subpoenaed the wrong people. Well, not Bella. But Niko, Brady, and me." 

I laughed. 

"Yeah. Chris should've guessed that one." 

"Brady is taking Bella to Weld County Hospital. Meet us there?" 

"You know I can't. No matter how much I want to. I'll FaceTime her later." 


"Bye. Love you." 

"Love you too." 

She hung up. 


I pulled into a parking spot at the hospital. 

I put the gear shift into park. 

Niko and CeCe got out. 

They shut the doors. 

I took the keys out of the ignition. 

The engine turned off. 

I got out of the car. 

I shut the door. 

I ran over to the passenger side. 

I opened the door. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2022 ⏰

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