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        Now this isn't just any story, this is my favorite story. The story how I became me. It all started one day, little innocent Ace was going through the hardest time. This is who I am, here is how I came to be. "BEEP BEEP BEEP!" Ace's alarm went off everyday at 7:00. She was very organized and everything just had to be planned, organized, and perfect. Sadly, her life was the complete opposite. Full of surprises, messy, and miserable. "Ughh!" Ace squirmed in her white lacey bed spread. "BEEP BEEP BEEP!" Her alarm went off again. "Oh my god, shut up!" Ace slapped her alarm clock and sat up yawning. She sat there slouched over just thinking. She turned over and stood up as she slipped her lite pink bunny slippers on. She walked downstairs and walked into her kitchen. Her kitchen was modern and big with a black and white black-splash, the most white stone counter tops, and the cute island in the middle with treat bowls out. She walked to the black stainless refrigerator and pulled out a small yogurt. "What's up sis?" Ace's older brother Jackson called out from the breakfast table slurping milk out of his spoon Ace turned around and saw Jackson and Mike sitting at the table eating. "Nothing. How long have you two been up?" Ace asked. "Not much longer then you." Mike said standing up and picking his bowl off the table. He had over sized sweat pants, the messiest brunette hair, and no shirt on, he had the tightest six-pack a six-teen year old could ever want. He hadn't had a single girlfriend except Milly. Milly was a short brunette with long hair and cute glasses. She always came home with Mike after school. Mike loved Milly more then anything and talked about her at least three times a day. "Cool. Well I'm going to go eat in my room. If you don't mind?" Ace looked at Jackson and he gave her a nod. "Not at all, pumpkin." Jackson called Ace pumpkin ever since she was a kid, no one knows why he did, but he just did. Jackson was almost the complete opposite of Mike. He had blonde hair, nice abs, sketchy but the prettiest eyes, and was the bad boy of the school. He was bad at school but the biggest sweet heart at home. They did have a single mom who needed the most help she could get. "Thanks." Ace said smiling and went to her room. She opened the door and walked into her room. Her room was so organized it gave her best friend Christine a headache. Everything had it's own place and had to be in it's place. She even had a color scheme, black, white, lite purple, and washed out teal. She sat the yogurt on her vanity and then pulled out her outfit for the day, a loose white crock-top with her favorite bands name pattered on the front, Panic at the disco. She wore booty-shorts with washed out denim and lace on the sides. She wore high-top white converse. Ace sat at her vanity and did her makeup, almost perfectly. Her hair was long and pure blonde with a little bit of purple high-lights in it. Her hair reached down to her lower back and she had the thickest hair anyone ever saw. She curled it perfectly and put in an antique teal bow on the side of her head. She went back downstairs and put her full denim backpack with white lace in certain places. "Hey, can you give me a ride to school?" Mike said throwing his backpack over his shoulder. "Sure, as long as you don't mind making a pit stop." Ace said glancing up at him. "No, not at all." Mike said smiling. "Okay meet me in the car." Ace said back grabbing her keys.

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