Clara. No.1

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It was just like any other day, I was in school looking up at the sky, as I walked to class. It's a nice day outside the sun was shining, everyone was happy, the birds are singing. But why do I always have that same thought in my head? I look around me and see a few couples saying their goodbyes as they walk to class, I wish I knew what love felt like. Love is something that makes you feel better, but to love someone is something else. I can't quite understand why you'd want to love someone in a relationship, it doesn't make sense to me since I always see people make out, then well... break up.
I see it so much it's weird, it makes me think of the thought, what is love?
I walk into the school building, where I get brutally beaten by my friends saying their hello's. "Clara, how you been? I haven't seen you in such a long time!"Sasha says, hugging me tightly I might die.
"What do you mean? I saw you yesterday!" I say.
"Yesterday was a very long time!!!"
I look at her with a confused look, she always greets me in the most weirdest ways but that's Sasha for you. The school bell goes as we separate to different classes. None of my friends are in my class but I'm friends with everyone I meet, I'm quite popular in school. I look back behind me to see if Sasha was there but she went into class already. Sasha's always in a hurry to class cause she doesn't want anymore late marks after her parents fifth warning!
I walk into class as I get greeted by other friends. I smile and try talking to everyone I sit with, everyone likes my company and I welcome theirs. Everyone knows who I am, ask for favours and talk to me if they want to. There's just one person who I can't really get to talk to, she sits at the back of the class near the window she doesn't talk much or tries to even get up and talk to anyone. I want to hear what she has to say and... never mind I turn back to face the front, the teacher walks in and we start the lesson.
I look back and see her again opening the text book and reading, her hair is a navy blue colour, her cheeks are nice and pink and her eyes are an emerald green which stand out the most. I can't help the fact that I get easily startled and drawn towards her, even though she doesn't come near me or say anything.
I want to talk to her but every time I do: she goes, I get interrupted or it's a bad time. I should probably stop looking now she might reali-
I look back to see who called me.
"Can you stop looking around and focus your attention on me for now!"
It was the teacher Mr Clarkson, I look at him with an awkward, shyness smile. I stand and apologise then I sit back down, but I don't look back this time.
I think I made her uncomfortable. Oh god I hope she didn't realise, what am I thinking of course she did!
She probably thinks I'm a creep now!!!
As I open back my books and read the text, I can't help but think of her. I wonder what goes on in that head of her's, what does she think of me, does she have any friends, I usually see her by herself it must be sad being alone.
I know!
Tomorrow I will go up to her and hope it all goes well. I really wish Sasha was here to help me out, but I still have another class left till I see her! Ugh.
I guess I have to wait. My stomach is rumbling, I do feel hungry though.

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