Part 1 ♡︎

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Currently I was in class with Jaden and it was the last lesson before we had a couple weeks off from school and all lesson we just talked and out of nowhere Jaden brings up the topic of me liking his twin brothers Javon I have liked him for awhile and Jaden knows because he's my best friend and also Jayla knows anyway "you should date him he likes you" I looked at Jaden and said "no he doesn't stop lying get proof then maybe I'll believe u" after I said that and the bell rang and me and Jaden pushed everyone out the way and ran out of the school and we asked Jayla to come pick us up so she did she was the one driving obviously then Javon was in the back seat and i know Jayla told him to sit there on purpose because he would of sat in the passenger's seat anyway before I did anything Jaden pushed me into the back seat and I fell on Javon and I felt my face get a bit hot I then apologised and got back up and Jayla started driving "hey guys do you wanna go get food" Jayla said we all agreed on McDonald's and we got food and went home *your parents where already at there house because your parents are friends with their parents and your going to be staying there until school starts again* when we got home we then all went on live and was just chilling and Jaden said to play truth or dare and jayla went first and she picked truth and it was is it true your single and she said she was then it was my go and Jaden looked at me and smirked and said y/n truth or dare I picked truth and he said is it true that you have a crush right now I gave him a glare and said yes I do we then all played some more and then we all went of a drive

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