Chapter 7 The Wedding Planners

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Alfonzo and James were now in the hectic and crazy time of planning their wedding. It wasn't going to be too big, mostly private with very close friends and family.

As it was still the 80's gay marriage was not yet legal, so they had to do things in their own special way. They were going to have James's childhood friend named Chris marry them, or pretend to marry them and Alfonzo hated it. Not marrying James, just the fact that it had to be pretend. One day, he hoped to be married for real with a license and everything. He was just so relieved the day when James made a special visit to Dexter's house and asked for consent one final time to marry Alfonzo.

"I'm old fashioned sir, I know it's not usually done this way anymore but, just so you know I love your Nephew very much, and I'll do anything in the world to make him happy, if you'll only give me your blessing and consent."

"James I didn't like you at first, I still don't, but I'm learning to accept you into my son's life, and now into my family. You've proven yourself loyal and trustworthy to Alfonzo's love since the beginning and I'm happy for you both. I give you my consent."

"Thank you so much, dad!"

"Please don't call me that!"

"Uncle D?"

"Just call me Dexter. Please take care of my boy."

"I will." He shook his hand. Alfonzo went out into the room and looked hopefully at them.


"He said yes!"

"Thank you Uncle Dexter, I love you." Said Alfonzo happily, and hugged him close. Dexter felt like he was still hugging his thirteen year old Nephew.

"I'm so happy for you Alfonzo, very happy. I want you to be happy as well with this strapping young man."

"Thank you. That means a lot to me. Desiree'?" Desiree could only cry and tell the boys how handsome they both looked in their suits.

James took Alfonzo's hand and said they were going out for dinner to celebrate the happy occasion and promised they wouldn't be out late.

Before they left, Alfonzo wheeled his way over to his uncle again.

"Has Rick phoned here recently?"

"No, why?"

"No reason just, I kind of haven't told him about the wedding date being moved up yet. Something tells me he might not even come."

"Well Alfonzo, telling him is better than him finding out. And he may not come, knowing what you two shared together, it might be too painful for him to think about coming to your wedding."

Alfonzo said Rick said that the time they saw each other, but that was before the date was changed. Maybe now, his decision would change too. Alfonzo felt a pang of guilt when he was out with James that night, and after he came home and James was asleep, he used his walker to get out of the bedroom and into the living room to make a midnight call to Rick.


"Oh hey Alfonzo. Calling rather late, everything okay?"

"Everything is great. Actually it's amazing. Rick, I have some news for you."

"News?" Alfonzo hated this, but he heard hope in his voice. Alfonzo took a big breath and told Rick about the date being changed.

"We're getting married in three weeks."

"Three weeks? So soon?"

"Yeah it was kind of a sudden decision the two of us made I know but, we can't wait any longer. So if you can't come because of this date change, I understand. Just know you're still my best man, if you want to be."

The Strongest Kind Of Hope Book 8Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon