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The beginning___________________

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The beginning

    JESSICA walked along the streets of busy New York seemingly not paying attention to the common eye, but if you've been trained long enough, you would notice she was taking everything in. She has passed through this route many times, but she knows never to let her guard down.

    She was on her way to her apartment from work, which is in a grocery shop. She brings in the restocks, which are only a couple times a week leading her to having a second job, which is working at a library. Not that she minded though.

    Jessica patiently watched as the light signaled for her to pass, putting her hands into the pockets of her jacket while walking, blending in with the others crossing the street.

    After walking for a bit longer, she made it to her apartment. Just by taking a glance to the outside, you could tell it was all rusted up and hadn't been renovated in a long time.

    Walking through the entrance, Jessica greeted the receptionist with a simple nod, which in return, they flashed a small smile at her.

    Heading to the elevator, she took in the rust that had formed around the elevator, mentally gagging she pressed the arrow in which pointed up.

    Waiting a few seconds, the elevator finally opened revealing a older man, who she has seen a couple times around. She waited until he left the elevator, for she entered and made her way to her floor.

    Once she made it to her floor she exited the elevator, hearing the familiar creek of the floor board, which shall always annoy her to death. She got her room key out, swiftly opening the door and made it to the living room in which revealed her companion, Nadia.

Once she dropped her keys onto the wooden table, a knife made its way to her face swaying slowly as it stopped a inch from her face. She merely pushed it away from her face, "Your reaction time is still slow." Her Russian accent lacing her voice as she took a place on the couch.

Nadia stole a glance at Jessica, quietly mocking her words. Finally getting bored of the silence, "Anything happen to day?" Nadia asked as she stared at the tv which was playing the news, which was the usual talk about the heroes. Jessica replied with a simple no.

Now, you may be thinking why are they friends if they can't even have a simple conversation? Which is completely wrong, the duo were just to drained to start a conversation with each other.

Nadia turned to Jessica with a sly smirk in which Jessica just raised a eyebrow at. "Y'know, we ran out of sushi and popsicles..." Nadia said.

"Your telling me that now?" Jessica groaned throwing her head back. You couldn't blame her, she could've texted her to tell her earlier.

Nadia pouted, "I'll come with you so you won't be lonely!" Nadia knew she would have went anyway, but she couldn't sit around doing nothing all day.

With a shake of the head, Jessica replied, "Yea sure, go get ready. I'm gonna eat something quickly." She grabbed the arm rest and used it to push her weight up, heading for the kitchen.

    Once she made it to the old designed kitchen,  she snagged a couple grocery made chocolate chip cookies, shoving them into her mouth.

Making her way back to the living room, she saw Nadia putting her coat on and grabbing her room keys in which she just raised a brow at. They both made there way to the door Nadia in front of her.

"After you m'lady." Nadia said while bowing jokingly while Jessica chuckled walking out the door, giving Nadia a small bow.

    The two made there way onto the streets, occasionally muttering a sorry to the people the bumped into. They had the small talks on the way, like if they were going to change what flavors they would get.

    Time passed fast for the two as they made it to the grocery store. They did say they went for sushi and popsicles but they couldn't only survive on that. In there cart, they ended with a couple more bags in there then they would've liked. But they had to survive some way.

    There total ended in $74.50 which they weren't to mad about, since they usually spent way more. After they payed they made there way to the exit. They struggled a bit on carrying  the bags but made there way back anyway.

Out of nowhere, they heard a scream while they were about to cross the road. They ignored it but got a bit faster on there feet when they heard multiple screams. Of course right when they got to the middle of the cross walk, a whole bus came hurtling at the two and the civilians on the cross walk.

It felt like it was in slow motion for Jessica as she dropped her groceries and held her hands out moving them away from each other. The simple hand movements made a faded goldish glow come its way onto her hand as the bus simply split into a half.

Nadia looked at her, eyes widen before she said the one word they both were thinking. "Shit." With that, they took off, of course not forgetting the groceries.


That was way harder then I though it would be to right this, but anyway first chapter done!! What do you guys think her power is?? Hint: look at the title

Pls give tips on my writing would be very appreciated!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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