One Day Later...

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---One day after the events of World 13...---

(One day after these events...I feel...terrible...what have I done? Why have I come back? I don't deserve this fate...)

Dark Choco Cookie thought to himself in his room. As small tears formed on his eyes, he dried them off looking at his dad. 

DChoco:I miss you...Father...why did I injure you? Why did I do this to you?! 

Yelling and crying in his bed, Dark Choco Cookie kept asking and asking why did he do this. 


---Meanwhile, in the Dark Cacao Castle...---

Caramel Arrow Cookie:I am awaiting your command, King Dark Cacao Cookie.

Dark Cacao Cookie stared at her until...

DCacao Cookie:You must look for Dark Choco Cookie...and find him.

Caramel Arrow Cookie:Yes, my King.

Caramel Arrow Cookie inmediately left at his command.

---With Caramel Arrow Cookie...---

On her journey, she has stumbled upon Affogato Cookie.

Caramel Arrow Cookie/Affogato Cookie:You!

Affogato Cookie:Well, well, well...look who it is. The Cookie who banished me from the Kingdom. I won't let you find Dark Choco Cookie...I won't fall this time!

Caramel Arrow Cookie:We will see about that...

An epic but difficult battle takes place, but Caramel Arrow Cookie emerged victorious.

Caramel Arrow Cookie:Let that be a lesson to you, Affogato Cookie! Never mess with the Watchers!

Affogato Cookie scowled angrily and left, as Caramel Arrow Cookie continues her patrol right after.

---One hour later...---

Caramel Arrow Cookie:I am deeply sorry for the delay, my King. I had a battle with Affogato Cookie.

DChoco:Why am I here again? I must leave!

Caramel Arrow Cookie:King's orders.

Dark Choco Cookie struggled, until he looked at his father.

DCacao Cookie:Caramel Arrow Cookie, you may leave now.

Caramel Arrow Cookie:Yes, my King.

Caramel Arrow Cookie left.

DChoco:Let me want to scold me. Go ahead. I deserve it.

DCacao:Son...I...apologize for what happened. Everything. My injury is a reminder of you...and I just really, really love you..

Small tears started to form on Dark Choco Cookie's eyes.

DChoco:I don't deserve this apology. Especially after everything I have done. I wish I was never born, so none of this would have happened....

DCacao:Son, you deserve to live. Even after everything you have done. You really deserve this apology.

After he said that, tears started to form on Dark Cacao Cookie's eyes as well. Shocked, Dark Choco Cookie cries in worry.

DChoco:Father, I-

DCacao:Don't worry, son.

And then, Dark Choco Cookie started to cry, begging to be forgiven.

DChoco:I apologize for everything I have done as well. Please, please forgive me!


Dark Cacao Cookie hugged his son in tears.

DCacao:I forgive you for everything. Even for that injury...

Before Dark Choco Cookie could say anything, he hugged his father back. 

DCacao:I forgive you as well...and I love you, Father...

DCacao:I love you too, son. I love you too...

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