Familiar Sights

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||Summary: You get very sick with a mysterious illness during your shift. This leads Kylo down a familiar path.||

Warnings: cursing, discussions of death and illnesses

Kylo liked to visit you during your lunch break, it was something that had become a habit of his. You two would end up having lunch together in a secluded area and just enjoy each other's company.

After a long meeting that got extended thanks to Hux's blabbering. Kylo was finally able to go and see you, his favorite person in the Order. Well, the only person he actually loved.

When he made it to your usual spot, he saw you leaning on a table looking at the floor. The moment you saw him you smiled.

You attempted to walk towards him but you started to sway. Kylo held your arms to keep you from falling over.

"I got you, don't worry" he said through his helmet
"Everything is spinning all of a sudden" you muttered out
"Can you make it to the chair?" He asked trying to get your attention, you only managed to nod.

Once you sat down, Kylo took off his glove and checked your temperature. You had a fever and the bags under your eyes seemed to be getting darker. He started to get worried when you wouldn't react to his touch.

"Darling, what's wrong?" He asked trying to catch your attention
"I'm not sure, one moment I was ok and now I feel horrible" you explained as best as you could.

Kylo took his communicator and called his knights, specifically Ap'lek, the medic of the Knights of Ren. With one simple call, the knights quickly arrived.

Ap'lek came up to you with his medical supplies and ran various tests. Kylo passed around the room, he was worried about your well-being.

"Kylo.. can you please stop pacing, it's annoying" you scoffed looking up at him.
Before Kylo could speak, he was interrupted by Ap'lek. He stood up in a bit of a shock when he read his datapad.

"Shit shit shit, this can't be right" he muttered to himself
"Speak up kid, what is it?" The eldest knight, Ushar, asked.

"I-It says here that.. she has the blue shadow virus.. which is impossible! The last cases were reported back during the clone wars" he said almost in a whisper.

Kylo's heart dropped and the knights all looked shocked. You on the other hand we're confused, you had never heard of such a thing.

"Is that bad?.." you said with a small cough
"It is, if we don't find you a cure soon-" Cardo was cut off
"Don't! Don't finish that sentence" Kylo stated giving Cardo a stern look.

"What's the cure then?" Vicrul asked
"Reeska root, says here that it's found in the planet of Iego" Ap'lek said reading from his datapad.

"Then that's where we are going" Kylo said, he kneeled down in front of you and cupped your cheek "don't worry sweetheart we're going to help you" he whispered.

Kylo picked you up bridal style and turned towards his knights.
"We leave at once" he announced


After hopping into the Night Buzzard and after the jump to hyperspace, the group was making their way to Iego. Kylo held you close, he was terrified for what might happen if he didn't help you in time.

"Please don't worry so much.. I'll be fine" you coughed when you finished
"Don't push yourself so much, try to rest" he said. His eyebrows furrowed when he noticed you becoming pale and getting fatigued.
No matter what it took, he was determined to help you.

The shuttle came out of hyperspace, the men looked out the glass and gazed upon their destination.
"Gentlemen.. Welcome to Iego, the world of a thousand moons" Kuruk announced

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