Not the first time but why

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"Hey y/n " basil slides his hand on your shoulder and sat infront of you

"Hey basil, I heard there's uhm.. a new student !"

"Oh? That's awesome I wonder how they're like"

"People say it's a girl, don't know though"

Basil smiles at you
"Should we try to befriend her then?"

You looked at him and shrugged "if she's not mean"

You both hear the bell ring, basil then returns into his seat

The teacher walks in with a girl behind her, you assume it's the new girl, she has blonde long hair, pale soft skin with freckles, she almost looks like a princess

"Everyone id like you to meet Amelie , from now on she will be your new classmate, Amelie just go sit next to... ah! Basil."

Basil looks next to his empty sit and smiled at the girl, she walks pass you and you smell her flower scented cologne

You look behind you and see basil greeting the girl, you chuckle and looked back at the board infront of you

-hours later-
You were waiting outside the classroom for Kiki while listening with music, you close your eyes but suddenly interrupted by someone pulling off the earphones

"Omg y/n I've been calling you???"

"My bad" you slapped her arm slightly, Kiki looked around and asked

"Where's basil? He usually comes to us to hang out"

"He met a new friend, the new gi... there's basil!" Kiki looked behind her , there is basil pretty far away beside the new girls locker talking with her

"Ooooo,she's pretty in al angles"

"We should leave basil alone then! " you smile and grabbed kikis hand

In the playground

You drank your juice box while kicking yourself into the air on a swing, your hair flows everywhere and the air hits your face , it's honestly the best feeling

"I can't believe kids don't come up here anymore" Kiki said sliding down the slide

"Isn't that good though? "

"Obviously yeah..can I ask you something"

"Sure what is it?"

"Do you maybe have feelings with basil"

Your face flushed red

"N-no! What's up with the sudden question dude- no!"

"Oh? It's pretty obvious sometimes"


"Sometimes I catch you smiling at him when he's laughing" Kiki giggles

"It's not like that..."

"Whatever! I'm not going to pressure eyou into admitting"

She was right though, you did like him you just didn't even notice, you only looked at him as a dear close friend but it was more than that

Kiki got a call on her phone, it looked like it wasn't good, she was getting scolded by her mom then she had to leave, this was awkard now you didn't know where to go, maybe basils house

You peaked on the fences of his garden and see him laying on his tummy with his feet swinging , you looked over and saw him drawing

You whistled to catch his attention, he looked up to your direction and you jumped over his fence


"Y-y/n.. a-w-what are you doing here?"

"What do you mean what's re you doing here"

You heard a girls voice coming from inside

It was Amelie

"Basil, I'm back sorry I took long where were we?- heyy who's this! You're y/n!!"

You looked over to basil confuse

"Yep it's me! I never thought I'd see the new girl here"

"Uh yeah! Basil invited me to take a look on his garden and do garden work, turns out both of us have the same interests!"

"I see... was I interrupting any "garden work"? "

Amelie looked over to basils paper, she completely ignored you, she gasps at basils work

"Basil!! You made that?? You're an artist! That looks wonderful"

"I-it's nothing really" basil rubbed the back of his head

You looked to him and his paper, it was a drawing of his garden with the photos he took of the garden, basil was one artist

You sat next to him and rubbed his shoulder smiling at him

The whole time you were completely a third wheel, they both did really get along, they knew things you know nothing about, this was REALLY awkward, when you tried to ask something basil would brush it off and continue talking, well it's alright I guess there ain't really kids his age that interested in his hobbies , you should feel happy for him

but why were you kind of mad it's not like this was your first time being left out

Sorry for not updating lol I got lazy fjakcjksdkw drop ideas if u want pls

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