Aylana Hanim

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"Your honor, the book in your hand is enough evidence to show you that Mr.Daniels has corrupted his company, he has used company money which is also his workers money, to his own sickening, selfish needs" I say, already tired of this case, i really don't want to be here with Emir.

"Seeing as Miss Hanim had presented a strong case, I have decided that it's better to take this to the supreme court. I suggest your lawyers put a strong case for court" Before she bangs the gavel, Emir Ayaz, Mr.Daniels lawyer spoke up. "Your honor, Miss hanim brought in evidence that's not even valid now, she's only doing this because she hates me"

"Yes, even if its invalid evidence she has valid evidence to back her up, this is going to court and if neither of you can handle working so close I will have to drop one of you and give that client a new lawyer" She barks. damn this women is angry "Am i clear"

"Yes your honor" both me and Emir say in unison


As I walk out the building I am greeted by my driver.

"Where to miss"

"Home Salim, I'm exhausted and can't deal with being at work right now"

"Alright ma'am"

The drive home was peaceful, it was what I needed. I can't deal with anyone right now. I have a banging headache and all I want to do is have a nice and peaceful rest.

"Thank you Salim, you can have the rest of the week of" I said, he deserves it, he is always here when i need him. hes like a father figure i never thought i needed till i met him.

"Of course miss hanim, have a great week and remember you can call anytime you need to talk, and dont forget to take you medicine. you know I always know if you don't take it" He is one of the not so many people I like, but sometimes he is annoying'

"You don't need to remind me like i'm a imbecile. I'm an adult who pays your pay checks" I tease, knowing he hates when i bring up i pay him. he sees me as his daughter and in his words "I would rather do this without you paying me"

"You know I worry about you, just please don't forget to take them hanim, iyi geceler" (goodnight)

"I won't, dad" I tease "iyi geceler" I say and walk in my dark academia home, as aiden describes it.

детка (baby), please look at me" he pleads as i stand there scared to move. he notices my fright state and a look of pain and sadness washes over him, but it leaves faster then it came.

"Don't you dare call me that" I say losing my scared state and become angry," I hate you, you used me.

"Baby please don't say that" he pleads as his eyes get glossy, and he gets on he's knees for me. i almost felt bad, almost

"No you could of told me the truth, you should have hamza, actually now, I'm happy with the way I found out because know I know who you really are, a heartless monster who thrives of peoples pain" ending my screams with sobs. "s-sh-she wa-was"

"I know детка, i know"

"No you don't because if you did, you wouldn't have done what you did and you would of told me the whole truth because I know there's more" i basically pleaded the end to signal him to tell me the truth, needing to know what he knows. I look in his eyes and i saw an emotion that I've never seen on him, fear, he was scared but of what. what is the truth?, he knows this is affecting me but all he says is

"I'll tell you everything tomorrow, i need You and I to be in the right state of mind to talk детка" is he fucking kidding me, i am in the right state of mind, "why wont you fucking tell me, I deserve to know you fucking dicksucking, ass-eater" I scream at him with heavy hot tears streaming down my face.

"детка, i will tell you everything tomorrow please listen, your not in the right state of mind to handle this conversation"

and there it is ladies and gentlemen, the sentence that tells you what his about to tell me will badly affect me and the look in his eyes tell me that I will never forgive him for this. Maybe I don't want to hear what he has to say. Maybe M could pretend this never happened and continue with my happy life with him, he always puts me first so he probably didn't tell me for a good reason right, right. Or maybe it would be better to leave, my life and him. honestly they both sound like good options but i know if i leave or make myself forgot I will regret it, and that will slowly eat it me and make this worse for my life, But would it make it worse then knowing

I'm taken out of my thoughts when I hear the door close, look up noticing that he was gone. I look around the room and notice a note

"we will talk tomorrow, its better for the both of us, remember i love you and nothing will change that." Why can't this be a nightmare.

I wake up sweaty with a pounding headache from the sound of screaming, then I realise the screaming was from me, and the headache was caused from me pulling out my hairs.

"ah" i scream" this is all your fault hamza, you left me when I needed you, you could have saved me, but instead you broke me beyond repair" I sob walking to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror

"this is your creation hamza" I stare at the mirror for a few minutes them i hear a scream. and its again from me, I think

"ha ha ha" I start laughing loudly, but its not me."are you happy hamza, you created a creating, i have tried to destroy but i'm always unsuccessful. Your right hamza, I am a failure."

"no, no, no, no, no, no, no. please stop, just stop it please, be quite and leave me alone, give me back my body"

" i can't leave because i'm you" a voice says in my head. It never goes away. no matter what I say or do. its sometimes quite, and I don't hear anything for a while then i-it just appears, and I don't know how to get rid of it. i just want peace. I want it gone

"Please leave, please." I sit on the floor not able to stand anymore hugging my knees to my chest, terrified. the voice keeps telling me I don't have to be afraid but I cant help it. I'm terrified. i'm terrified on going home alone, terrified of my thoughts, i'm terrified on my self. I suddenly get tired, but I don't want to sleep. I'm scared of my mind.

"Help please anyone, please stop it, help me, kill me" then everything turns black.


Words - 1176\unedited

this book will be part of a series 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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