Mafia Roleplay: Isabella Claire Meadows

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- General - 

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- General - 

Full Name Isabella Claire Meadows

Any Special Meanings/Reasonings? Claire was her grandmother's name

Age 24

Gender Female

Zodiac Aquarius 

Mafia Alliance Brother is a soldier 

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- Appearance -

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- Appearance -

Height 5'5"

Build Curvy and thin

Hair Color Brown

Hair Length Long to mid of her back

Eye Color Brown

Eye Shape Round

Face Shape Oval

Any Tattoos? If so where? None

Any Piercings? If so where? Ears

Any other markings? If so, where? Birthmark on her shoulder

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- Personality -

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- Personality -

Positive Traits

x Intelligent

x Kind

x Open-Minded

x Calming by nature

x Loyal / Protective

Negative Traits

x Quiet

x Keeps her thoughts to herself unless she trusts you

x Can be impatient at times

x Doesn't trust easily 

x Very critical of her own self


x Playing Piano

x Cooking & Baking

x Reading

x Dancing

x Rough Sex (choking, spanking, exhibitionism, temperature play, etc)


x Bigotry

x Domestic Abuse

x Guys that are cocky for things that they are not able to do

x People that underestimate her

x People who are just plain assholes

What do they think about the rival mafia? N/a

What do they think about their own mafia? She doesn't feel like it is her own, but her brother's. She doesn't trust it and worries that he will be hurt constantly. 

x x x

- Past -

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- Past -

Isabella grew up in a household, where her parents worked hard for their money. They lived paycheck to paycheck. Bella's parents were always harsh and cold. They did not want children. It is reflected in their parenting. They always pushed Bella to achieve more and that she was never good enough. However, this caused her to get into the mentality of needing to be perfect and being critical of herself when she does anything wrong. She would never admit this though. Bella's brother, Thomas, was the complete opposite. He was always getting into trouble and acting out. He started to hang with the wrong crowd when he was a young teen. This caused Bella's parents to be harsher with Bella so she didn't have the same fate. Her brother cared about Bella and was the one to help show the good in her. Thomas did many low-level gang stuff when he was in his teens and that turned into mafia-related things later. He tried to keep Bella out of it and never let her meet anyone. He didn't want this life for her as she was smart and wanted her to do whatever her heart desired. Bella ended up going to culinary school for her love of cooking and baking. She works at a famous bakery. She is the head baker, but she hates her job. The owner is a sleazeball, who often is making advances or trying to corner her. This has made her worry for her safety, but he has said if she ever leaves then she would never be able to make it on her own for a bakery. He would make sure it would be shut down in a month. Bella doesn't tell her brother about the owner and just takes the abuse. She still sees her brother, but he never lets her meet the second side of his family. However, that is soon to come to an end after an incident where her brother is in the hospital. One mafia member takes her home, but this puts a target on her back because little did she know he is the son of the boss. This leads to her now needing protection. 

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- Fighting -

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- Fighting -

Hand to Hand Combat 4

Shooting 2

Endurance 6

Speed 10

Accuracy 2

Strength 4

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