the Birth

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hey guys if your reading this I want to say thanks and that I am glad to see I got 2 more votes. KEEP VOTING!!!! lololol thanks

Chapter 18

I woke up with a sering pain in my abdomen. It felt like somong e was stick a knife in my hip and spinning it! I got up out of bed and looked in the mirror. I was supposed to be giving birth today so I wanted to be ready.I had everything ready towles water, anything I'll need for it. I went downstairs and got some leftover cake from yesterday out and ate it. By the time I had finished everyone was in the kitchen giving me weird looks. This is the first time I have come down for breakfast without almost ripping somone's head off. They look at me some more before Aidon plces an arm around my shoulder sence it can't fit around my waist.

"Hello love, how are the babies treating you." He said putting a hand over my stomach.

"Their fine. A little jumpy but, fine."

"Well I'm glad to hear that. You have everything ready?"

"Ya, so Anister. Whats going on in the pack. Anything big."

They all gave worried looks before he said. "Well some rouges got in on the west entrance. We couldn't catch them. But we have more gaurds on shift and I promise you we will get them."He rushed out

"WHAT!!! Do you realize what you've done. I leave you in charge as Alpha for 1 week and you already let our gaurd down!!!!" I screamed at him

"I understand Alpha but I already said I-. A-Alpha your w-water."

I was confused at first before I felt the water that had been running down my leg and then an ear drum busting scream left my lips.

"She's having the babies get her to the hospital!" I heard my mom shout.******

We finally made it to the hospital and there was a room waiting for us. Aidon carefully placed me on the bed as I held my hands over my stomach protectivly.

"It's ok love I'm hear." Aidond said holding my hand.

That calmed me down for a little bit before my stomach throbbed.

"ow,ow,ow ow OW!" I screamed clutching Aidon's hand so tight that the blood cut off.

"She's having a contraction. She'll be fine as long as she pushes on time." My mom said.

The doctor walked in and over to my side. I looked like a mess, my hair was stuck to my face with sweat and I was in a hospital gown. She went down to velow my legs and lifted them.

"Ok Alpha Liladeth, your deilated 7 centimeters, once we get to 10 we push."

I nodded my head and she walked out. And thats how I pent the next 48 hours scream and sqeezing Aidons hand to death. On one of them I swear he blacked out from the lose of blood to his hand. The doctor finally came back in after what felt like years and checked on me.

"Ok 10 centimeters. I hope your ready to become a mom." She smiled sweetly at me.

"Ok lily, now, when I count to three push ok, 1 ..., 2

"AAAAAAHHHHHH" I screamed as I pushed.

"Ok I see the head one more time 1,2,3"

I pushed and pushed and pushed

" It's ok honey your doing great" Aidon said holding my hand.

"O shut up you bastard you did this to me!!" I screamed while pushing.

"Ok and, done. Heres your first baby boy." She smiled sweetly.


And thats how the rest of my day went after 4 hours of pushing finally done

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