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6:19 am.

The brazen wails of my dreadful alarm clock ring through my room telling me to get the fuck up. I roll onto my stomach and bury my face into my pillow. It's too god damn early for this.

Summer went by too fast. I'm not ready to be a junior, my 17th birthday was only a week and a half ago. Fuck high school.

The ringing becomes too much and I let out an aggravated groan as I stumble out of bed. I stagger to my bookshelf, pull the alarm out of the wall, and throw it into the hallway with so much force it shatters into pieces.

My brother's bedroom door flys open and he stares at me blankly.

"What the fuck del," he says, rubbing his eyes.

"What? It was annoying the hell out of me," I respond.

He just rolls his eyes and shakes his head, turning to go back into his bedroom. I smirk at his closed door and then turn to go back into my own room.

I shuffle over to my full body mirror and stare at my disheveled self. My wavy chocolate brown hair is sticking up in multiple directions and my umber eyes are filled with sleep. I run my hands through my tangle of hair, attempting to calm it.

After a minute, I give up on the birds nest on my head and grab a pair of shorts and a t-shirt from my dresser. I shrug off my oversized Stevie Wonder shirt and pajama shorts and slip into my outfit.

I leave my waves as they are and swipe on some mascara and lip gloss in an attempt to make myself the slightest bit more presentable.

6:37 am.

Shoving my newly bought school supplies, consisting of spiral notebooks and number 2 pencils, into my black vans backpack, I wedge my size 11 feet into my beat up black converse.

As I step out into the hallway, I see Ryder crouched over my broken alarm, sweeping the pieces into a dustpan. I smirk as I maneuver around my mess. He looks up at me and laughs. A confused look takes over my face. I trace his eyes up to my tangles and flip him off as I continue down the hall.

"Are you seriously going to school like that?" He laughs.

"Screw you," I mumble.

"Sorry what was that?" He smirks, knowing exactly what I said.

I shake my head and make my way downstairs. The kitchen has an array of breakfast foods displayed on the marble countertops. Quinn sits on one of the leather stools eating waffles. She looks up from her phone and says smugly, "excited for junior year?"

"Excited for freshman year?" I shoot back.


I roll my eyes and grab the box of frosted flakes, shaking out the last of them into a bowl.

"Mom," I yell, "we need more cereal!"

She comes rushing in, fumbling with her earring.

"What was that honey?" She says, hoping around attempting to put on her black heals.

"We need more frosted flakes."

"Okay, I'll pick some up on my way home," she kisses Quinn on the head and adds, "by Quinny, have fun being a freshman!" As she runs through the front door.

I scarf down my cereal and check the time.

"Shit, guys, we gotta go!"

Ryder comes galloping in and Quinn jumps up from her seat.

"I can't be late on the first day!" she squeals and hurries out the door.

Ryder and I share a look. Quinn is the poster child. Perfect grades, perfect manners, perfect child.

I, on the other hand, am the complete opposite. Straight D+'s for me along with a very impetuous attitude.

While Quinn and Ryder are extremely popular in their grades, Quinn being the girl everyone looks up to and Ryder being the guy everyone wants to be or be with, I am just the shy, closed off loner that no one even remembers exists.

Don't get me wrong, I like it this way, being surrounded by my thoughts and only my thoughts. Not having to worry about my appearance or having to always keep it together for someone else.

My only friend is Ryder but he doesn't really count because he's my brother and no way is Quinn my friend. I mean, I love her and all, but she is a constant pain in the ass.

I swing my backpack over my shoulder and follow Ryder and Quinn out the door. I check my phone again,

6:46 am.

Just as I look up, I run smack into someone and fall flat on my ass. I feel the eyes of everyone waiting for the bus on me. I hastily stand up and immediately regret it. My vision gets blurry and I begin to see black spots everywhere.

"Shit, I'm so sorry. You alright, love?" A deep British accent says. The boy reaches out to steady my wavering body.

"Don't touch me," I say, swatting away his hand.

He quickly retracts his hand. I finally get a good look at him. His thick curly brown hair sits like a mop on his head. His pale green eyes stare down at me curiously. A small smile appears on his pink lips.

He extends his hand again, "I'm Harry."

I stare at his hand blankly.

"She said don't touch her," Ryder says coming up behind me.

He drapes his arm around my shoulder and guides me onto the bus. I steal a quick glance back at Harry only to find him already staring at me. He winks and I turn away, hiding the blush creeping onto my cheeks.


hi, i edited this A LOT because it sucked and it was not at all how i wanted it to be...hope you like the changes :)

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