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I plop down onto the nearest empty seat and let out an exasperated sigh. High school sucks, and I don't just mean the education aspect of it either.

I hate virtually everyone at my school. The girls, the boys, the teachers. The students are all the same. Everyone is afraid of being their own person, so they just try their best to be like one of the "populars."

Girls come to school in high wasted shorts and crop tops, all from the same store, and boys come to school dressed in any expensive sports apparel along with a perverted and derogatory attitude.

Yes, not everyone is like that, there are a few exceptions, but not enough to make a difference in my mind.

Maybe the teachers are nice to the other students, but not to me. I say one word and they take it as an insult and there I am at the end of the day, sitting alone in detention watching the minutes tick by.

A presence beside me brings me out of my thoughts.

"Hello, love," a familiar British accent says.

I turn my body towards the window and roll my eyes, "fuck off."

He lets out a laugh, "someone's in a mood."

I turn around to face him and raise and eyebrow. Who the fuck does this guy think he is?

"Excuse me?" I say icily.

He puts his hands up in mock defense, smirking. He's about to open his mouth again when the bus pulls to a stop.

I quickly stand up and make sure to shove his legs away on my way to the aisle.

I hear him let out another laugh, and I just know he's wearing that stupid smirk on his face. When I reach the front of the bus, I glance back at the curly headed boy only to find him already staring at me, again. I shoot him a death glare and step off the bus.


11:23 am.

Well, this day has been shit so far.

The minutes seem like hours, everyone is irritating me to no end, and it's only fifth period. I shift my already heavy binder in my arms and search for my next class. After two wrong turns and passing the classroom three times, I finally settle into the blue plastic chair behind the scribbled on wooden desk.

"Good morning, class," the woman, who I'm assuming is my teacher, proclaims. Her overexcited demeanor is making me nauseous. "Welcome, to eleventh grade English!"

A few kids clap in an awkward attempt to fill up the heavy silence surrounding us. One kid coughs.

"I am Ms. Clarison and this year is all about not only improving our writing and reading skills, but also our social skills."


"I'd like everyone to stand up," she say, her mousy blonde updo bouncing along with her upbeat attitude, "chop chop now everybody, forty two minutes isn't as long as it may seem."

Yeah, right.

While we all stand awaiting her next directions, someone bursts through the door. Shit, I recognize those unkempt umber curls.

"Sorry I'm late, I got a little lost," he smiles sheepishly.

"That's alright, you're the new student I'm assuming?"

"Yup," his eyes scan the room until the lock on mine, sending me a wink.

I can see the girls all gazing at him in pure lust, a few even send me a scowl or two.

"Styles, Harry?" Ms. Clarison questions while hastiy flipping through her attendance list.

"That's me."

A few girls let out a collection of flirty giggles and I roll my eyes.

"Well, Harry, why don't you go stand next to..."

Oh God, please no.

"Delilah," she finishes, gesturing in my direction.

Harry happily obliges and strides towards me. I grimace as he nudges my shoulder,

"Fancy seeing you here."

I keep my gaze focused on Ms. Clarison as she explains the beginning exercise, trying my best to ignore the irksome boy next to me.

"Can I get a couple volunteers to demonstrate?"

A boy named Jc and a girl who I think is named Lillian, I could care less, walk to the front of the room.

"Now, Lillian, if you could please stand up on this desk and face the window."

Lillian timidly climbs on the desk and turns towards the window.

"Jc, stand behind her," Ms. Clarison says, directing him to a spot about three feet from the desk.

"Now, Lillian, fall backwards."

"What? Are you kidding me? I'll get a concussion."

"No you wont, Jc will catch you,"


"He will catch you, you just have to trust him."

She takes a deep breath, crosses her arms over her chest and leans back, falling right into Jc's arms. We all clap and Ms. Clarison looks relieved.

"Alright, who's next?"


After nearly everyone has gone, it is almost the end of the period, with five minutes left, I assume I wont have to go.


Ms. Clarison scans the room and locks eyes with me. I give her a pleading look but she only extends her hand and gestures for me to stand on the table. I begin to shuffle backwards until someone pushes me forward, that someone being Harry.

"Your turn Delilah," she grins.

"Uhm there's no one left for me to partner with," I mumble.

She frowns until Harry speaks up,

"I'll go with her."

Shit, I'm going to die.

"Perfect, Delilah c'mere and stand on the desk."

I begrudgingly trudge over and hesitantly lift myself onto the wooden platform. Ms. Clarison positions Harry right behind me and I feel the room fall silent. Everyone is watching. I take one last feeble look at Ms. Clarison, screw my eyes shut, and fall back.

I'm dead.I'm dead.I'm dead.I'm dead.

When I open my eyes, the first thing I see are Harry's forrest green orbs boring into me. He smiles at me and his dimples are extremely prominent on his sunkissed skin. I stare blankly up at him until I finally shake myself out of my trance and shrug out of Harry's firm grip on my torso.

I awkwardly rub the back of my neck in hopes of losing the attention of the entire class. The shrill sound of the bell rings through room and I quickly go to gather my stuff. The class files out of the room, and of course, I'm the last one out.

"Hey," Harry says, popping out from behind the door.

"Jesus Christ you scared me."

He chuckles, "sorry love."

I stare at him, "don't call me 'love' Harry."

He looks at me oddly, and then just shrugs.


"Nothing, it's just that...never mind it's nothing," his cheeks turn a bright crimson.

I tug my bottom lip in between my teeth.

"Anyways, I uh, have to go."

I watch as Harry's figure slowly disappears into the herds of teenagers traveling through the hallway.

What the fuck?


this took me forever to write so if you liked it please vote :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2015 ⏰

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