that beautiful voice

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Varian walked into his room. Well, their room. He shared it with his partner. Most of the room was decorated by him, and by decorated, he meant papers and books everywhere.

They had hung banners from the ceiling and had gotten mismatched furniture; that was due to varians insistence on not spending too much of their money. The bed had a red canopy that conceiled the actual inside. By the door there were hooks and a mural painted by Rapunzel.

His partner had decided on most of it, and he was fine with that. As long as he had his space to do his work, they could turn the room into a circus. Though, that might get a bit loud.

Speaking of his partner. They'd just finished their morning shift and were changing in the en suite.

Nothing told him that, he just knew. It's what they always did, they both finished their morning work and met in their room for a break. He hung his bag on a hook and tiptoed over to the bathroom.

There they were. He smiled, they looked so pretty today. They started to sing their song, the one he taught them as they finished fussing over their appearance.

The bathroom too, was filled with varian things they could get at flea markets and from towns folk.

"Have a good morning, ma muse?" He asked coming up and hugging them. They laughed.

"Yes, except for Lily. She took forever." They turned around and started playing with his hair. He loved that, he loved them.

"Oh, I bet. Can you sing again? If that isn't too big of a deal of course." Varian said awkwardly. He laughed and put a hand on theirs. They smiled softly.

"Of course I can. Wanna go take a nap?" They asked, pointing with their thumb out of the bathroom.

"That sounds amazing."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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