Chapter 8

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A/N: I just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone who made it this far, I truly hope you are enjoying my story. What do you guys think so far? Is there anything you want to see in future chapters? Shit is about to hit the fan in the next couple of chapters but you're also going to get a bit of a glimpse into Ruby's past as well.

With all that said I just wanted to let you all know that updates might be a little slower for a while. I just started a new job so I'm going from a 3rd shift schedule to a 1st shift schedule and it's been hard to adjust. I'm gonna do my best to get chapters out to you all as quickly as I can but I want to make sure that the chapters I do put out aren't mindless garbage. Feel free to leave any feedback I'd like to hear what you guys think so far. :)

Wanda's POV

I walked down the hallway toward's her room. I don't know what's been going on with me lately. My emotions have been all over the place and my thoughts were just as conflicted. I hated her and yet deep down I was worried about her. I couldn't explain it and the more I tried the more frustrated and angry I was becoming. 

I turned the corner and walked through the sliding glass door to her room. The room was a bit disheveled and there were the remains of a chair still scattered across the floor. The room seemed to have been reorganized to some degree, but when I realized the room was empty I was immediately put on edge and my blood began to boil.

I sprinted back through the hallways heading straight for Tony or Nick. I knew one or both of those control freaks knew where she had gone and I intended to find out. Just as I rounded the corner headed for the common room I ran straight into Tony at full speed sending us both crashing to the ground. 

"Where is she?" I asked as I pushed myself off the floor.

"Geez not even so much as an apology huh witchy?" Tony said as an arrogant smirk spread across his face. 

"Just tell me where she is!?" I was practically shouting at him at this point. 

"No need to get your panties in a twist witchy, Nat showed her to her room a little bit ago so she's probably getting ready for the meeting right now." He said with a shrug. He was acting so nonchalant as if letting a murderer roam free in our halls was a common occurrence for a Tuesday afternoon. As confusing as my emotions had been over the past few days I wasn't confused at this moment, now I was furious. 

"Her Room!?" I was shouting now and had unsurprisingly attracted the attention of the rest of the team. I saw them huddled together standing off to the side watching my altercation with Tony which only infuriated me more. "Why the hell does she have a room, Tony?"

"Nick is trying to sign her on. I know how you feel about her but considering she's most likely gonna be part of this team soon you should really try to get along."

"What do you mean most likely?"

"It's either she joins the team with a full pardon for her crimes with Hydra or the Raft." He shrugged not realizing the impact his words had on me. As much as I hated her I wouldn't wish imprisonment on the Raft upon anyone. They had sent me there briefly after the Avengers had their falling out. I had sided with Steve but unfortunately, that had made me a criminal. Of course, a new threat to the world and they were ready to forgive and forget but it wasn't something I could forget.  I shook the thought from my mind.

"Which room?" I asked through gritted teeth. Tony noticeably tensed and I could tell he was feeling uneasy. "What room is she in Tony?" I asked again even more irritated than I was the first time. 

"We're under strict orders to stay away from her until the meeting that includes you, Wanda. I'm under no assumptions that you'll follow that order if I tell you where to find her." I was tired of repeating myself. I had already asked twice and I really wasn't in the mood for politics at the moment so I couldn't care less about orders. I let my powers surge into my hand and I felt the energy begin to wrap restlessly around my fingers begging me to release it. 

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