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The sea water is as peace as the blue sky
The bird in the sky sway and freely fly
She look around with her tired eyes
Her hair swayed like a fireflies

She play with the waves
The more she struggles at big waves
The more she's drowning
The eager she wanted to enjoy, the more she's owning

Yes, she's learning to enjoy the waves
The more she's drowning from hard and strong waves
The more she's laughing

One thing she realize that life bring strong waves
And she needs to learn breathing behind drowning

Others where smiling watching  her but she see's someones on that time
If it was her best friends
They will join her instead of watching her

There was a difference between best friends and a friend
A friend who sees her as competitors may smile at her but they may smile more when they see her drowning

Their smile disappear when she learn
A real friend join her in every strong waves
Not pulling her to drown more and earn

She now see how the waves of life and the color of the world
Will be more beautiful everytime she learn the hidden word
Smile silently whenever they think they can bait her 
And smile more harder when they fail to beat her

She learn to dance with the waves
Let them look at her like she can't survive the waves of life
But they don't really know her reality and how she enjoyed drowning and breathing

She stay silent and watch the sea, the color of life that she see's
Add a lot of direction in her life
Herself and her best friends build the strongest version of her

Not afraid of any judge that others may throw
She's now again ready to face the waves of life
And daring the most strongest blow of waves to come and face her

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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