Part three

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Jungkook left him and Jimin's shared bedroom and went to Taehyung's.

Taehyung POV
I was sitting dow on my bed Gavin the wall when i heard a knock on my door. I mummered a small "come in" and opened the door revealing Jungkook.

"Taehyung, turn around and face me. We need to talk face to face". He said. I turned around and saw him. He was looking dead into my soul. I messed up big time. I turned around and sat in front of him while looking down.
"Now tell me, why were you in there trying to harm my baby?" Jungkook asked Taehyung.

"Because I love you! He has everything I don't. He has a big ass, a man and he even has friends! I have nothing but a dog and a single life! That's why I wanted to harm him!" Taehyung yelled. Tears drip down his eyes as he spoke.

"That still doesn't give you the right to harm him Taehyung. He may have a beautiful like and me but at least he doesn't harm others because of their love life. After what you did I don't want you near him from now on, understand?" Jungkook said in a stern voice. Taehyung gulped but nodded his head.

Jungkook POV
He wanted to harm Jimin all because I love Jimin but Taehyung loves me? That can't happen. From now on, he will not go near Jimin.

Author POV
From that day on, Jimin was kept away from Taehyung which is his soulmate. But he understands because Taehyung just tried to harm him.

"Daddy, why isn't Taehyung coming downstisrs? Is something wrong?" Jimin asked Jungkook caring about his soul mate.

"No baby nothing happened. Daddy just told him to stay away from you because he tried to harm you. Let's continue watching the movie". Jungkook said and looked back at the bedroom door where Taehyung was in. He loves his best friend but after what he did he couldn't handle it.

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