Chapter 5

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Rue ivory poked her mom on the shoulder. Her mom's coal-colored hair flapped her in her face as she spun around. "Mom, can we go home? I don't feel good.." Rue's mom checked her temperature and frowned at the numbers that popped up. "98.2 Sorry Rue but I can't -" Rue focused on the numbers and got an awful headache. She wiped the blood away before her mom would notice."What the- Oh my! 105.2! Go get Tango and your rubix cube ! I'll pull the car around for you. " Her mom told the nurse what was going on and she excused her from today's work. a lady from the office poked her head in and said Vella's mom was here to pick her up and Vella awkwardly waddled out the door to meet her mom in the office. 

Rue laid back down on her cot when she noticed Vella had left something. She sat up and grabbed a pearl earring. She held it up in the light to get a better look at it. It was big for a pearl, and had lines on the side like it could just...Pop! She pressed down on it and when she let go, sure enough the top part popped open with ease. She wasn't sure whether Vella knew it could do this or not. Rue knew that this was expensive, because it was a real pearl. She didn't like to think of herself as a thief, but her mom couldn't pay the bills without some extra cash. Maybe a new guitar would be nice too. So she stashed it in her pocket and with Tango and her rubix cube in hand she jogged out to the car.

When Rue got into her new house, she couldn't help but notice that all the houses seemed bigger than hers. As In....MANSION SIZE. Her house was a simple 2-story with an attic. The others.... Seemed too big to even count. She squinted through the window and noticed her next door neighbor's refrigerator, which was the newest Amaze-fridge. It had a screen to change the temperature and some games. Next to the screen she could see a picture of...Vella?

 Vella lived in a super-rich house? She shut the curtains and turned on her star lights. She watched the fake stars circle around the ceiling and took out the pearl.

 She detached the earring part so she was left with the iridescent pearl. It glimmered in the warm light as she rolled it around. "Okay. I got this. I just have to float it." She closed her eyes and pictured the pearl floating above her hand and when she opened it, it was there alright. She pushed it forward with her mind and smiled as it zoomed across.

 She played around with it for a little while but soon the headache came back. She laid down on her bed and squirmed around, wishing it would stop. She was, however, thinking of Vella during the headache, and she got a vision of her in the ambulance driving to the hospital .The headache stopped and she whipped off her hoodie (due to the blood that was dripping down her nose) and switched to her new leather jacket she bought.

 She grabbed her bag and put it in the black box. Rue ivory ran downstairs to grab her shoes and tell her mom where she was going. "Oh poor Vella! Here, take some caramels for her mom." She put those in her bag too and dashed out of the garage to get her bike. She peddled frantically down the road. She swerved onto the highway and pulled into the bike lane. Hurricane had bike lanes on the highway, and thankfully she knew how to manage. The wind rustled her hair and her jacket flapped out behind her, revealing the Psych shirt.

Psych had been her favorite tv show since she could remember. A smile unfolded across her face. She didn't know why, but with the wind and the fresh air, it made her feel like she was in a movie. She closed her eyes and lifted her hands off the bike, no-handing it. Her eyes opened again and watched as two lanes over a sedan and pick up truck crashed and sent the truck soaring right towards her. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She covered her head as the car fell on top of Her and her bike. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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