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The grass is up to our knees, and the moon above our heads. Being around him feels so welcoming, I feel at peace. His soft gaze makes me break out into a smile each time. He points out different constellations while I chuckle, watching him stare at the sky with interest.

He turns to me, the moon's reflection in his eyes. He cups my cheek in his hand and kisses me softly, and I melted into his arms.

I distantly heard a knock, banging somewhere far away. We both turned our heads, trying to figure out where it was coming from. "I have to go, I'm sorry. I'll see you again, someday." I nodded, knowing the dream would soon end. "Saturn?" I looked around, trying to figure out where the voice might be coming from. "Saturn!" The voice seems to be getting louder. It sounds so.. familiar. "SATURN!"

Suddenly I'm awakened from my dream world, quickly sitting up. "Well, good morning sleepy head! Come take your meds, I made you a smoothie for breakfast!" My roommate says cheerfully. I nod, and they leave my messy little room. Finally. I groan and check the time on my phone. 7:39AM.. Wait, 7:40AM now! I rush out of bed, quickly searching for something decent to wear. I throw on a beige sweater along with some torn up black jeans and walked out of my room, looking like a hot mess.

"Finally, it took you long enough!" My roomie, Maggy, likes to tease me about every little thing. I mean, they're super sweet, and I don't know what I'd do without them, but it gets annoying as hell sometimes.

Maggy passes me my smoothie, and I thank them, taking a sip. The familiar taste of strawberries and bananas fill my mouth. My favorite! Maggy hands me my meds for the morning and I quickly pop them in my mouth. "I'd love to stay here and chat, Saturn, but you know I have to get to class," They sigh. "keep looking for a job today! I know you can do it, love you, bye!" They grab their keys and walk out of the door, leaving me to the dorm alone. I finish my smoothie, and walk into the bathroom to brush my short brown hair and put on deodorant, before I head out to the library to study, and look for jobs. So far, I've had zero luck, and I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon.

I grab my phone and backpack, and walk out the door, locking it behind me. I begin walking to the building, it was just a few blocks down from campus. We didn't have a library on campus here, so I was stuck taking about a 15 minute walk every morning. Which, I have no complaints, but when it's cold outside.. Ugh, it's torture.

I eventually enter the library, waving to the librarian and finding a nice place to sit down. I unzip my backpack, pulling out my laptop. As I start to scroll through jobs, my stomach starts to turn. This always makes me so anxious, I never understood why.

I began to drift off into my own world, fantasizing about things that will never be mine, when someone taps on my shoulder. I make a small squeak, slowly turning around.

"Oh gee, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to startle you. I just saw you were looking for jobs- and well- here! Just take it!" They handed me a flyer, something about job openings at Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza Plex.

"Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza Plex is hiring a daycare associate to work from 3pm to 6pm. The job requires experience caring for children. You will provide care to young children and will receive required training to clean, feed, and provide a fun experience to young children. Have any questions? Please call us at [Insert phone number] or email us at [insert email]. I look up to thank them, but they're already gone. How strange. I read the poster once more, it seems too good to be true... Why would someone just give me this? I turned around and searched it up on my computer, applying for the job... They needed a night guard. I wasn't sure about how well I'd do, but the pay there was amazing, 37 bucks per hour? Hell yeah.

The next day went by slowly. Anticipation was killing me, I was running out of patience, the wait was killing me. I spent most of my day trying to distract myself from my phone, but it was no use, each time I found myself, at my phone, waiting. Waiting for an email from the Pizzaplex. Maggy was starting to worry about me, they haven't seen me like this since.. Well, all I can say is it's been a long time.

I felt my phone vibrate from my pocket and I anxiously grabbed it to check my notifications. And there it was. The email. I skimmed through it, trying to figure out if I had gotten the job or not...

"Interview with Freddy Fazbear's Entertainment for the Daycare Associate position

Hi Saturn,

Thank you for taking the time to email us about the daycare associate position. It was a pleasure to hear from you and we think that you'd be a good fit for this role.

As a next step, we'd like to invite you to an interview with our very own Manager where you'll have the chance to further discuss the position and ask any questions you have.

If you agree, please reply to this email and I'll schedule the interview. Also, feel free to reach out if you have any questions."

Wait, so this means.. I have a chance! I excitedly stood up, running to my roommate to tell them the good news. I showed them my phone, and they looked up to me with a big grin on their face. "Oh, Saturn! I knew you could do it! I'm so proud of you!" They pulled me in for a big hug. "We need to celebrate! We could go out for dinner! Or go to the movies together!" They continued to list off a bunch of activities we could do.

While they were rambling on, I imagined how exciting tomorrow will be. I couldn't wait.

This is gonna be one hell of a ride.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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