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Hey guys ! I know I went on long break but what to do so many things were piled up to do and still many among them are pending but i thought to lighten up my mood by giving all of you a update ..o don't know what I wrote but it's all written in my work load stress ......

So let's start ...... This was requested by Canucks3 ....but dear I have replaced Kabir here from vihaan as immj2official was requesting me from long time to write a os on rihan or rihaansh so i have made this story as rihaansh story ....hope there is no problem in it .......

This os starts from when vansh told riddhima that he was doing all this drama of loving her at pool Side .... This was something shocking and unexpected for riddhima that she lost her consciousness at the site only ....

It was morning when the whole Raisinghania family was sitting having their breakfast peacefully not caring about that there one member is missing and that is none other than riddhima.... Suddenly a nurse came down

Nurse : Vansh sir !! Vansh sir !!

Vansh (worried) : What happened nurse ...is siya alright

Nurse : Yes sir ...siya mam is alright..infact it's a good news ...she has gained consciousness... And she is calling some ridh.....

Before nurse could complete her words ..the whole Raisinghania family ran to siya to see their princess....

In siya 's room

Siya was sitting with the support of bed headset when out of blue vansh came and hugged her

Vansh : Siya finally you are awake .... My baby sister  is alright now ...i can't even tell how much happy I am

Saying so vansh again hugged her ...then one by one everyone came and hugged and dadi kissed her forehead too ...... But still siya's eyes were roaming in search of one person and that is her saviour her bhabhi

Siya : VA..Vansh BH.. Bhai ...whe..where..where is BHA..bhabhi...

Ishani : Siya why you wanna see her ..the one who is behind all of ours and especially your miseries...

Siya : What are you talking about Ishani

Vansh : Ishani is saying right siya ..and you need rest ... So don't stress yourself now

Siya : No Bhai ..i want to meet bhabhi first

Vansh : Siya but she is the only one who attacked you so why you wanted to meet her now

Siya : What are you saying Bhai... Bhabhi never attacked me ...it was anupriya who attacked me tried to kill me

Hearing this vansh stumbled and asked siya to reveal everything..after which siya told her everything... He and the whole Raisinghania family were so much guilty for there behaviour when suddenly vansh remembered about yesterday's happening and he rushed to pool side to see his love lying there with blood flowing from her forehead...

Vansh went near her and immediately picked her head up and put it in his lap and started patting her cheeks

Vansh : Sweetheart.. sweetheart wake up..see your vansh is here .. riddhima.. riddhima please wake up ....(shouting)  Angre call the damn doctor here now ...

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