~Chapter Four- In which they find a new 'Friend'.~

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~Chapter Four- In which they find a new 'Friend'.~

All of them gasped.

Nikhil narrowed his eyes and looked at Dea in a scrutinizing manner. "Look at what you did!" He exclaimed.

Dea's eyes flared in anger. "What I did? Are you listening to yourself? It was you who threw the ball in a completely absurd direction. I merely saved my face!" She hissed.

Just when Nikhil was going to retort, Viyolin interjected. "Guys, this is really not the time to argue. Dea, go and take the ball from them."

"M-me?" Dea stammered in surprise.

"Yes. You." Viyolin firmly said.

"No, no. Vi, you know that I am not really good at talking to new people and especially when the new persons are hot and delicious." Dea muttered, loud enough for the group to hear.

"Go!" Viyolin said and pushed her.

Muttering incoherent words under her breath, she walked towards them.

"Excuse me." She hesitantly said. Her heart thudded inside her chest and her soul danced with anticipation.

The man, she had first noticed, who stood out among everyone with his nerdy spectacles, looked at her and raised his eyebrows.

She swallowed, to somehow moisten her parched mouth.

"I am from that team." She said and pointed towards her team's direction. "Our ball came in here. We are extremely sorry."

She said and bent down to pick up the ball. "I hope you aren't severely hurt." She said to the mysterious boy and licked her lips.

He smiled and said, "Well, I think I am severely hurt. I am hallucinating about this beautiful girl who is talking to me."

Dea rolled her eyes and gave him a cheeky smile as he radiated the friendly vibe. "Good lord, I think you need to go to the doctor then."

"Be my nurse and kiss my boo-boo away?" He said and pouted.

"In your dreams mister." Dea teased.

"Oh, I will dream about it." He said and winked.

"Rohan." He said and pulled out his hand.

"Dea." She said and shook his hand. Tingles shot through her arm to her spine and she smiled.

The Six Senses, looked at this conversation from afar.

"Good lord, what just happened?" Aarav whispered.

"I think Dea is finally growing up." Dhruv said, who always took care of her as his own sister.

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