A Disclaimer

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Hello, everyone!
This quiz book exists solely for me to delete all the photos on my phone of online quizzes.

I...um...sort of have a passion for them. I'm an indecisive, completely, confused person who knows nothing about myself, and since you can't ask people to just tell you, quizzes provide me this idea of certainty about who I am. They provide this security and validity that people often find in other things, from astrology, divination, and religion, or even the altering of your identity to fit certain labels because we are truly clueless about who we are.

I don't mean any of this in an offensive way at all! Although my method is frivolous and sometimes ties into the three things I mentioned above. I'm not saying it's faulty, incorrect, or wrong, I'm just acknowledging that people use many different things to figure out who they are and how to describe themselves. There's nothing wrong with that!

With all things though, especially Quizzes, take them with a grain of salt and evaluate them in relation to you! They're not all bound to be accurate! Some are wildly inaccurate and none of these are bound to be a completely honest reflection of your identity.

For me, these are also a huge source of fun! I frequently play them with friends as a sleepover or hangout activity. During the pandemic, this was something I frequently did with my friends and it was fun!

This is both a scrapbook of crazy, fun times with friends and crazier desires to use the internet to seek self-truths!

Also yes...if all these pictures of remained on my phone, I'd definitely be out of space!

I didn't initially intend to publish this, but a certain extra terrestrial...*cough,cough* siri1gacha
wanted to see them..aaaaand, it ensures that history of quizzes past are torturing the cloud!

*Also*... Now for the actual disclaimer! Generally, my works are strictly PG in terms of language and suggestive themes! However, I cannot control the actions of others and some of the quizzes or names used contain these things. Please don't look at these as a reflection of me or my works as an author! Generally, I would edit these out, but... guys, I'm just trying to delete photos here and that's really time consuming!

Please forgive me, if you happen to stumble upon this arbitrary archive!

Things You Should Know About Me To Determine Accuracy Of The Quizzes:

Zodiac: Aquarius (cusper, February 18th)

Hair color: Brunette

Eye color: Blue-green, lil bit of grey

Height: 5ft and something inches

- Self-described Old Soul, might be a poser??

- Country heart and city mind

- Nature lover, flowers especially

- Generally think pink is my aura color, I can't decide on my favorite!

- Favorite season...used to be winter, then I couldn't decide, now it's spring or fall, I generally lean towards fall.

- Favorite Music genre: Rock or classical, but I'm in love with soundtracks and showtunes, I'm not opposed to Pop or Country, have a love for yodelling!

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