chapter 1

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Takemichi shuji is the youngest daughter in the shuji family because hanma is the oldest son in the family but hanma made a promise that he would protect takemichi his sister with his life

"Hanma onii-san can we go to the festival tonight please" takemichi asked her brother hanma

"I'm sorry but I can't I have a fight tonight mitchy but you can go with your friends hina and emma" hanma said as he looks at takemichi who is pouting

"Okie but promise me you don't get hurt hanma onii-san" takemichi said as she is worried for her older brother

"I promise mitchy" hanma said as he kissed her cheek and pat her head

Takemichi smiled softly at hanma as she ran to her room to get ready but she had nothing to wear because she has black and red dresses that are a little tight on her

Hanma came in her room and is holding a box with a cigarette between his lips

"Here mitchy I was saving this outfit for you" hanma said as takemichi take the cigarette out between his lips and throw it out of her window

Hanma is shocked that his sister throw his cigarette out the window

"Nooooo!!! Why mitchy" hanma whine

"I don't want my room smelling like your room hanma onii-san" takemichi said as she grab the box and open it

Takemichi jumped up and down because hanma got her the outfit she always wanted

"Go try it on and see if it fits you" hanma told her as he saw her run in the bathroom

Takemichi came out of the bathroom with the outfit on her

Takemichi came out of the bathroom with the outfit on her

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The outfit that hanma got takemichi

"Thank you so much onii-san I love it so much" takemichi hugged hanma and hanma hugged her back

Takemichi did felt that the chest area is tight because she has big boobs that make the outfit tight a little bit but she didn't mind at out

"Mitchy your friends are here hurry up or they will leave you here" hanma said as he hear heels running on the floor and see a girl with short black hair and blue eyes run to the door

"Shall we go to the festival hina and emma-chan" takemichi said with a smile on her face

"Yes let's go take-chan also I love your outfit it matches your hair and eye color" emma said as they left the house with hanma closing the door

At the festival

Takemichi, emma, and hina are having fun playing games and going on the rides but emma got a call for mitsuya

< emma where are you at? > mitsuya asked

< I am at the festival with my two friends why mitsuya > emma asked him back on the other line

fell in love with hanma sister ||fem takemichi||Where stories live. Discover now