the opioid addicted pup

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disclaimer: i am not dropping my too/two typing quirk for this story no matter how grammatically correct i want it to be. suffer.

"oh my god we just fucking bought drugs oh my god guys oh my go-"


Three little puppies were strollin' along, trying to find the nearest opioid shop. The oldest, Bingo, had a silly little question mark over his head all the time. He would lead his younger brothers, even though he was severely cross-eyed.

The middle pupper was Bongo. He always had his face way two close to the camera, and he always looked like he was about to cry. Poor thing.

The youngest pupper was named Bango! He was very happy and eccentric all the time, with his mouth open like ":D" and his paws up in the air.

Bango is a drug addict.

The three tiny fur-balls were struttin' downtown, trying to find more cocaine for their beloved brother to obtain. Bingo and Bongo weren't very supportive of their brother's addiction, however Bango's dealer threatened to kill their neighbours if Bango didn't buy more from him. This is because his dealer is running out of customers, and he needs his money for his mom's cancer treatment or something. You don't know, you don't really remember.

Long story short, Bango needed to get more drugs because his dealer is an unfair bitch that only cares for money. Tragic.

"So Bingo, did you bring the money?!" Bango barked at the eldest brother.


"You were supposed to bring the money. Y'know, for my dealer?"

"Bango I am a depressed, clinically diagnosed with psychosis and generalised anxiety disorder little guy. I work a 9 to 5 job and I'm a virgin that dreams of fucking sluts and being an influencer loved by everyone on planet earth, but instead I check random people out at a cashier register and said people buy 25 fucking cucumbers and a bottle of lube and I'm supposed to smile and nod at them while ringing them up. And you think I brought the money."

Bango blinked. He then turned to the middle brother, "What about you, Bongo? Did you bring it?"

"Hell naw, I'm broke as hell. Miss me with that gay shit."

Bango groaned. They were almost at the alleyway, and none of them had money. They couldn't just turn back, his dealer said to be there by 6pm sharp. Bango swallowed hard, his little paw pads doin' a lil tap tap on da sidewalk. So cute :]

The three brothers entered the alley. They sniffed and looked around, but no one seemed to be there. They stood there for a good minute, not a sound or animal in sight.

"Well!" Beamed Bongo as he began to lead his brothers out the alleyway, "Looks like our asses are saved! Let's to get some ice cream."

"With what money?" Bingo inquired.

"Theft." Bongo threatened.

"Aw, you gonna run away with my money?" Asked a voice that came out of fucking nowhere. The dogs yelped in fear before turning around and seeing a shaggy, stray cat. Its fur was a dulled out grey, so dulled out in fact that you wonder how the fuck one could make an already dull colour, dull. Its eyes glistened a bright neon yellow, and it looked super cool because one of its ears are torn. You think this cat is super badass.

"AAAAAA AN ALLEYCAT!!" Bongo barked, growling at the littol creachur.

"Bongo, chillax! This is my dealer, Rune." Bango explained to his brother, getting ready to defend this Rune in case Bongo tried anything.

"Bango," Rune began, "My money."

Bango was tired of this shit. Bango looks at you. You look at Bango. You hand Bango a $20 bill. Bango smiles at you and gives it to Rune. You wonder why/how you did that.

"That's some good shit, Bango. Here's some crystal meth." Rune meowed, pushing the meth towards Bango before disappearing back into the darkness like an edgy 12 year old boy.

"Pleasure doing business with you two, rude ass." Bango huffed, "C'mon guys let's go."

"oh my god we just fucking bought drugs oh my god guys oh my go-"


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