Where they would take you for the first date

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Ponyboy: No where too fancy. Maybe to hangout and watch the sunset. It would be magical though!

Johnny: The lot. He would ask Dally for help but he just suggested Bucks which is a total no-go of Johnny. So he picked somewhere simple :)

Sodapop: Somewhere romantic like a picnic on a sunny day in the middle of a big open field. He would want it to be special and memorable.

Steve: The Dingo. He doesn't know what to do for 'dates' so he always just takes you out for lunch. You love it though.

Dallas: Dallas wouldn't know what to do. He asked if you wanted to go to Bucks for a drink but you declined. Sooo maybe just dinner at the dingo? Or the Drive-in! And of coarse, dessert ;)

Two-Bit: The Drive In for sure. Two-Bit LOVES taking you too see movies. Especially horror movies cause romance was too 'sappy' and 'soft' for him.

Darry: He would 'host' the date at his house and make your favourite meal! Then, y'all would cuddle on the couch and watch movies all night.

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