Chapter 23: Times

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Later, Brahms and I were back in our room, spending a lazy day. I was lying on top of him. He had his hands placed under the back of his head. My face was close to his as I rested my hands on his chest. I was cracking dad jokes with him. He got annoyed a few times when some of my jokes were too lame. He laughed and rolled his eyes on most of it but didn't tell me stop. So I kept going.

"Singing in the shower is fun until you get soap in your mouth." I started again.

"How so?" He cocked his eyebrows.

"Then it's soap opera."

I started giggling while he stared at me stone faced, clearly drowning in annoyance after this one.

"You could've figured it out." I managed to say in the middle of laughing.

"Not when they're so pathetic." He commented.

As my laughter died down, I gawked into his
malachite eyes. We both gazed into each others eyes as though we were in a staring contest yet actually we were lost into one another.

"Stupid boy." I blurted out.

He blinked hastily, trying to think about why I said that all of a sudden.


Instead of replying, I connected my lips to his, catching him by surprise. He moved his hand to grab my hips and the other at the back of my head. Before he could deepen the kiss, I pulled away quickly which left him wanting more.

"Calm down, Mister." My voice laced with a hint of seduction.

"Don't call me that." His voice stiffened.

"Why? Cuz I might wake your little friend up?" A coquettish grin escaped my throat.

Brahms was now flustered, his cheeks red like tomato. He avoided eye contact with me and started playing with a strand of my hair.

"Aww, Is little Brahmsy shy?" I teased, watching him go even more red.

"Stop it women. Do you want me to make your legs wobbly again?"

I felt my cheeks heat up immediately and my bottom tingle. Now it was my turn to get blush. I can't with his man sometimes. I nuzzled my face in his chest, trying to hide my reddened cheeks. But Brahms knows me well.

"Aww, Is my little Y/N blushing?" He used my words against me.

I thought I was gonna to explode. I felt like a teenager in love. He manages to send butterflies in my stomach quite often with his words or gestures. I keep falling for him everyday anew. I couldn't fathom at this point on how much I loved this man in front of me.

"Tell me what you see in my eyes." He said as I lifted my head up to meet his eyes.

"Hmm..." I pondered as I gazed into his dreamy orbs.

"What do you see?"

"I see forever." I whispered and he gave me his rare sweet smile.

"Me loving you forever? Yes. Anything else you're referring to? Don't know about that."

"You're cute."

"And you are mine."

Oh wow...he really has a way with words.

"Can I ask you something?"

"You can ask me anything." He replied.

"How can I trust you to love me the same always?" I looked straight into his eyes, searching for answers.

"We have forever to prove that if you're willing."

Where do I even start with my feelings? I'm gonna tear up if he keeps on going like that.

"You're words are like poetry. It warms my heart." I said, smiling softly.

"You think?" His eyes literally sparkling.

"I do."

"And to me, you are poetry." His voice filled with emotions.

How can someone make one feel so many emotions at the same time?

I couldn't contain myself anymore. Before he could say another word, I smashed my lips to his and he immediately grabbed my waist and rolled me over so that he was now hovering on top of me. And the blissful moment continued on with nothing to interrupt us this time.

The man inside the walls | Brahms Heelshire x Reader [Discontinued]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora