Under 6 Feet

150 5 9

Third Person pov:-

Santino took a deep breath and slowly peeked inside the cradle, to his horror it is empty. The very second loud shattering sound is heard, breaking the nearest vase into million pieces. By now his anger knew no bounds same as Ian. But unlike him, Ian is trying to control his anger for they have to call search party for their precious.

"Ian close all the entrance and exits of the hospital premises." Santino commanded and sprinted towards the broken window. They are currently on the third floor hence in this room, the only way to get down is the drain pipe that is beside the outer side of window.

No sooner did Ian smash the 'nurse call button' , all the doctor and nurses rushed inside the room followed by royal guards. Doctor checked Samantha and informed that she is sedated. One of the nurse hold Aiden, and tried calming him down. But as we know, he won't, not until his twin is with him.

Santino glanced over all the doctor and nurses in the room. One of the nurse is missing in the room, who was with Samantha just after she gave birth to Aiden.

"Who is missing, again? " Santino asked the doctor in a cold voice, that is terrifically contrasting to his inner turmoil. She checked all the nurses and replied in a low frantic voice "Maria Lopez."

"I have notified the guards about this Maria fucking Lopez. They are searching for her too." Ian informed.

Santino simply nodded. They sprinted towards the ground floor with a last warning glare towards all the staff, threatening to not let any harm come to Samantha and Aiden. Although after this incident, San and Ian are trusfrated but currently their priority is to get back their princess safely.

All the guards are on high alert unstirred by the thunderstorm, as if they are challenging someone with malicious desire through their penetrating eyes to dare flee away from this heavy guarded premises. All credit goes to Domenico Esposito, for schooling and rooting loyalty in them.

Santino and Ian hastened towards the backyard of the hospital which is below Samantha's suite, searching for the two. All the places are searched for except this backyard that has murky foreboding foggy forest, besides the dingy night and low visibility is twisting the knife.

Torch light is flashing everywhere in the woods, seeking for a single clue. But the sky overshadowed by gloomy clouds with no traces of moon and stars is challenging their determination. Nevertheless, the pack including royal brothers cared less for the sobbing overclouded sky cascading downpour. The strong gust of wind, slapping on their faces, did nothing but strengthen their resolution of protecting their princess from the tempestuous weather, and to get her back safe and sound.


A few minutes later, two guards came in the middle of the woods dragging a middle aged, short heighted woman, dressed in nurse attire who is laughing hysterically. They threw her at Santino and Ian's feet. Ian dashed towards her, elevated her by yanking her arm and lashed out at her "Where is our princess, Maria?" Even the booming thunderclap is repressed by his growl.

The provoked-devil in human form is enough to scare the living daylight of anyone but this treacherous woman is unbothered. In addition to this, she continued laughing like a insane woman, she is.

"He asked you something. Answer him dammit." Santino spat at her.

"She will be dead by now." She replied in between her sickening laugh. " How much I love seeing her cry? She was calling for help. But alas! You won't be able to find her. Not even her dead body." This is the last straw from them and before she knew, she is lying flat on ground with a bleeding nose. Serves you right.

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