Magic.... of Sorts

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6am, time to get my day going. Yes, it may seem weird that I start my days so early it's just that I've always been an early riser. Axel should be waiting nearby so we can start learning.... what did he call it, "mystic arts"? Ah, whatever it is called, I'll be learning it for quite some time, I can tell. I went for comfortable but flexible, my dreams told me about it being a but difficult the first few days, but by the end of the week it would get easier and easier.
/skip over morning stuff because I am a lazy bum/
Axel landed on my shoulder as I got out, "Ready little buddy?" Axel chirped a reply I could only assume was a "Yes, " so I walked on towards the temple. I knock once, and he opens the door because I think he remembered that Axel doesn't do well with teleporting, "Dr. Strange."
"Astrid, Axel," Axel chirped a greeting to him.
"Huh, your... friend is very sificdacated for a sparrow."
"All animals are like that around me. Now where shall I be learning your seidr?"
"Mystic arts, and follow me this way," he led me through a door that opened up to a library, and continued on through, so I followed with Axel trailing behind, not entirely trusting. "Wong."
"Wong, I would like you to meet Astrid, a new student and her friend Axel."
"Hello," Axel chirped his greeting to Wong, happy to meet someone that wouldn't randomly teleport us. "Axel, don't disregard Dr. Strange's kindness just because he teleported us, and you were dazed afterwards," he landed on the desk and ruffled his feathers at me. "I have the ability to send you home and don't think I won't mister," I glared at my tiny friend.
"Fascinating," Wong turned to Strange, "is this a normal interaction between her and her bird?"
"He's not my bird he belongs to no one but nature, and yes, he likes to push my buttons."
"Curious," Wong bid us farewell and we walked into a beautiful courtyard, the air around us filled with seidr and a slight chiller than back home so I could only assume this was a different part of the world. "So much magic in the air."
"It's not magic."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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