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Phil was nothing if not practical. Which meant that if he saw the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, he couldn't think of any reason not to take it. Even if those two birds happened to be two people he cared about being physically incapable of using their words to express their feelings towards others because they were too socially inept to do so.

And instead of killing them, it was more like Phil was simply nudging them in the right direction. For their own good, yes, and for Phil's good too, of course.

Privately, he couldn't help but laugh about it. He knew Techno would not hesitate to poke fun at him over it later either, once he'd comprehended Phil's ulterior motives. But one could not blame an avian hybrid for watching over their flock. It was simply in their nature to do so.

Techno would huff and puff and complain till the end of times that he didn't need anybody to look over him, after which Phil would clap him on the shoulder and wholeheartedly agree. But it was a fight easily won, because Phil could be stubborn enough to weather mountains and when it came to his flock – his family – that obstinacy only doubled. Like any good tactician, Techno had learned a long time ago to let go of a battle already lost.

Phil had offered to let Ranboo stay with no hesitation, and had not regretted it since. But he could sense the lingering hesitancy in the enderman hybrid whenever it came to being physically near his two neighbors. At first, Phil had assumed it was an adversary thing, much like the eye contact. He tried respecting Ranboo's need for distance, ever mindful of not crowding him or touching him in casual displays of friendship. He hated the thought of making the kid uncomfortable by accident.

Until he noticed that whenever he did slip and ended up patting Ranboo's arm, he only seemed to lean into the touch, prolonging the contact as much as possible without being obvious about it. Ranboo's eyes would dart away, he would rub the spot where Phil's warmth had been, and that led Phil to quickly come to the realization that Ranboo did not in fact dislike being touched.

No, he was like Technoblade: Self-conscious about his own need for physical affection.

For the next few days, Phil tried being a bit more tactile to make sure he hadn't misinterpreted the situation, pleased with every positive reaction he could get. Every time he could make Ranboo straighten his back subconsciously, or make his lips quirk up in surprised delight with a light pat, Phil felt that innate sense of satisfaction he had learned belonged to his avian instincts.

Ranboo was part of his flock and Phil wanted his flock to be happy and safe.

That's why when he saw Technoblade prepare for hibernation the opportunity to take it one step further was just too good to ignore.

Phil returned to the cabin about half an hour later, having taken his time getting some chores done first. He judged that'd be about a long enough span for the situation to either settle itself or completely combust. Since he hadn't seen Ranboo leave and scurry off back to his shack in mortification yet, that probably indicated a good result.

When he entered the room it was unusually hot inside since Techno had lit all his forges in preparation for his hibernation earlier. It would be impossible for him to reach similar temperatures as you'd get in the Nether, but it came damn close and Phil had to shrug his hat and coat off to make sure he didn't melt on the spot. A steady, purring noise was emanating from the nest. Phil thought it must be Techno at first, he had heard the piglin hybrid make that noise plenty of times before though the tilt was slightly different, more high-pitched and less rumbling.

When he stuck his head through a gap between the draped blankets, he laughed when he noticed it was Ranboo instead.

Ranboo stopped when he heard Phil, eyes shooting open in alarm but softening immediately when he noticed who it was that had caught him. His hands still clenched nervously, tail flicking to the side in embarrassment at the situation. Phil offered him a kind smile to ease his worry. Techno merely grunted his irritation at being interrupted. His eyes were shut, movements slowed by the typical pre-hibernation stupor that came over him when he was close to falling asleep, fingers still scratching at Ranboo's scalp.

"You two got room for one more?" Phil asked, not waiting for an answer to crawl inside.

Three people and a polar bear was stretching the limits of how many Technoblade's nest could accommodate. Maybe they would need to consider making a larger one if this was to become a regular occurrence, though for now Phil settled for sliding around and sitting hunched up behind Techno. He wasn't planning on sleeping this time either way.

Watching how Techno was stretched out and around Ranboo, letting the younger man rest on top of his arm with the other draped across his chest and Ranboo's own hands buried deep in Steve's fur made Phil chuckle. "Cozy in here, isn't it mate?"

Techno opened one eye to peek over his shoulder and glower at his friend. "I know you planned this, Phil." There was no heat behind the words, only tired resignation and a smidge of levity.

Phil pursed his lips, reaching out to cradle his fingers through Techno's hair. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

With a sigh, Techno inclined his head forwards to allow the ministrations. "Sure you don't, old man."

"Wait, was this on purpose?" Ranboo asked. He tried shifting so he could look at Phil better while talking, but Techno hummed and tightened his grip, reluctant to let go. Ranboo stopped moving and sank down into the blankets a bit more.

"I'm getting accused of so many terrible things," Phil mused in mock affront. With practiced fingers he started braiding the long pink strands in front of him, pulling them together into a plait that would hold for the duration of hibernation. Techno hummed again and Phil chirped softly in response. Nobody else in Phil's flocks had wings, but they had found this was a perfect substitute for the social activity of preening.

It blossomed inside Phil's chest, something warm and settled that made him puff out his own feathers a little within the nest's confines. For being the one who always got on Techno's case for ignoring his base instinct, maybe it was ironic that he didn't indulge more often. He couldn't truly be upset about it though.

"It's not an accusation if it's true," Techno muttered, on the brink of sleep. Phil gave a soft warning pull on his hair, making Techno laugh. He finished off the braid and tucked the last few strands behind Techno's air, getting a muted thanks in response. Phil scooted over towards Ranboo next.

"Can I do yours too?"

Ranboo nodded. "Oh, yeah. I don't think it's long enough to braid though?"

"That's fine." He nudged Techno's unmoving hand out of the way. The piglin put it beneath a pillow instead, huddling closer to Ranboo and body going more and more slack as he approached deep sleep. Using his fingers as a comb, Phil brushed through the tangle of Ranboo's hair, noticing the purring start up again when the enderman hybrid relaxed.

Phil's wings stretched out automatically, encompassing all three of them as best as he could. Hiding them away from the world. His flock, content and closeby, just where Phil wanted them to be.

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