Moonlight run

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Krel Tarron was many things: A super-genius, a tech-master and a nerd.

Traumatized, was about to be one of them.

He was fully expecting the Blanks to be out and cooking but instead got treated to the horrific sight of teenage love.

Jim's eyes fluttered open as the sun came rushing in through the window.

He looked to the person, or rather, Akiridion lying next to him.

The exquisite figure of a sleeping Aja Tarron is the first thing his eyes laid upon as the sun cracked through the windows.

The bliss of last night came back into his mind as Jim recalled with happiness, the events that transpired last night.

A gentle kiss on the forehead was enough to wake up Aja as her eyes landed on Jim's gentle smile.

"Morning Jim. Great Gaylen, what did we do last night?". She looked around to see his shirt and sweater on the floor.

"All I remember was us making out and telling ourselves that we liked each other". He replied, earning a smile and a chaste kiss that turned into full-blown making out.

Unbeknownst to the couple, Krel had made his way into the kitchen, expecting to see the Blanks to be cooking but instead got the most unpleasant surprise of his life: Aja and Jim making out on the couch, topless.

Krel's shock immobilized him to the floor as he could only watch Jim and Aja make love to each other in blissful ignorance.

He eventually found his voice and only then did the mortification set in: he was watching a topless Jim making out with his sister, who was also topless.

The couple were deep in as Jim suddenly stopped, sensing that someone else was in the room with them, and they turned to see a very horrified Krel standing there in shock.

Krel could only mumble as he made his way back into his room and shut the door, still in shock

"I'm guessing that your brother doesn't have a girlfriend?". The couple just laughed before another voice interrupted them.

"My liege! I think we shoul- Xerxes' Maelstrom!". Zadra came running into the room and was instantly shocked at what she saw.

She froze and stammered before awkwardly making an excuse before running out of the room.

"Why don't you stay for breakfast?". Aja offered as Jim got up and put his shirt and sweater back on and went to the fridge.

"What are you doing?". Jim looked at her whilst carrying Eggs, a pan, bacon and some mushrooms.

"Cooking". He started up the stove and worked his culinary magic.

Aja watched in awe at how easily he could cook, she was even more shocked when he spun then knife in his hands.

"How do you do that?". Jim just smiled at her and simply answered.

"Practice, and would you mind calling your brother and Zadra? Breakfast's almost ready". She smiled and nodded.

She went to Krel's room and knocked.

"Aja, if that's you, please tell me that Jim has his shirt on". Aja just laughed and replied.

"Yes, little brother. Jim has his shirt on, and breakfast is almost ready".

The door opened and Krel went to the kitchen, Aja in tow.

When they walked into the kitchen, her, Krel, Zadra's jaws dropped.

Jim had prepared a full meal comprised of a Mushroom omelette, Bacon and some pancakes.

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