Chapter Three - Introductions

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   Nick stopped to grab a cup of coffee before heading back to work. As soon as he walked through the front door, Liz was at the front desk chatting with Nadia, her assistant. They were both holding next month's catalog and chatting excitedly.

   "Hey, guys. What's the fuss about?" he began, setting his coffee down.

   "You first. How'd it go with Brodie? Was he able to switch you up?" Liza asked.

   "Nope. In fact, he actually suggested therapy – regressive hypnotherapy – if you can believe it," Nick answered, shaking his head. 

   Liz looked at him.

   "He did not," she said in disbelief.

   "He did, too," Nick replied. Liz started laughing.

   "Regressive hypnotherapy? How is that going to save Liz from having her hair ripped out the next time you have a bad dream?" Nadia inquired flatly. Nadia was always very comfortable saying whatever crossed her mind. Nick supposed it was one of the benefits that came with being Liz's closest friend.

   "Now, now Nadia, not so harsh," Liz cut in. "Let let him explain."

   Nick suddenly felt defensive.

   "Not much to explain. You know I've taken everything worth taking to mediate the dreams, but nothing's worked. His idea, not mine. He swears it works for some people. Oh, and he also knows the guy personally," Nick added.

   "Works for some people? I can only imagine what 'some people' means." Liz wasn't laughing anymore. Instead, she gave him a cold stare. "Are you actually going to go through with it?"

   "I'll call him and see what he says, I suppose."

   "Oh Gawd, really?" Liz said, rolling her eyes. Nick caught Nadia snickering.

   "Thanks for the support, dearest," Nick said sarcastically. He picked up the coffee and started walking to his office.

   "Hey! I left the new catalog on your desk. Fresh off the press. Something's been added!" Liz called after him.

   Nick hesitated.

   "And no one told me?" Shrugging, he raised his cup in acknowledgment and kept walking. It was very unusual for something to be added so late, especially since he hadn't been notified of anything. Sure enough, the new catalog was sitting on his desk when he walked into his office. A bright yellow sticky note was poking out halfway through. Nick picked it up, and in big bold letters, Liz had written 'page37!' in bold on the cover.

   Wow. This had better be good, he thought. Nick flipped it open to the sticky note.

   The newest item was splashed-out on a two-page spread. The title read 'Unknown Beauty', and for one of the very rare moments in his 32 years of life, Nick was gobsmacked.

   The painting was breathtaking.

   Hundreds of works had passed through Nick's hands during his time at Astleys, some of which sold for tens of millions of dollars. Rembrandts. VanGoghs. Monets. He'd traveled to every museum and art gallery in the world worth visiting. 

   But this... this was something else entirely. He brought it closer for a better look.

   The subject appeared to be a woman in her twenties sitting by an open window. Her blonde, cascading hair glowed softly as the sunlight outside filtered through it. Even from a distance, Nick could make out her moist, pale blue eyes. Full, pink lips were left slightly open in a wordless pout as she looked wistfully at something unseen beyond. One hand was resting in her lap while the other was tucked gently under her chin. Judging by the dress she was wearing, Nick estimated the period to be the late 1800s.

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