Hulk Part 4

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A large group of soldiers are all sitting in a conference room. Sparr says that the federal government is monitoring phones, cards and Betty's web accounts, and that the police have been placed on alert, and that when Betty and Bruce are seen, they'll know. Ross says that they aren't just going to pop up and says that Bruce made it 5 years and got across borders without making mistakes.

As everyone seemed impressed Steve said "Wait really?" as Bruce nodded he said "Why do you think i know all this?" as Sam said "Slightly more scared of you as Bruce banner now." as Bruce smiled at him

Bruce smiled.  Ross says that he isn't going to use a credit card and if he was trying to escape he'd be long gone. Betty is pawning her necklace.  Ross says that Bruce isn't trying to escape, and that he's looking for help and that's how they were going to find him, he says that he knows what they're after and that Bruce has been talking to someone. Ross says that the aliases Mr. Green and Mr. Blue have been added to a SHIELD operations database and if Bruce appears, they'll be waiting. "  Bruce messages Mr. Blue, sending him the data.  Ross says that if Bruce makes a peep, they'll hear him and when he slips up, they'll be ready.

As Maria said "Oh so he used our system too?" as Fury nodded glaring

'Match found' appears on Spar's screen. Bruce walks up to an old truck with a for sale sign in the window. He opens the door and takes the sign out. Betty pulls out a camera and takes a picture. Betty asks what it's like when he transforms.  Bruce asks if she remembers the experiments at Harvard with induced hallucinations that they volunteered for and says it's like them but amplified by 100, and that it feels like someone poured a liter of acid into his brain.

Tony paled a bit and said "That sounds awful." as everyone else agreed

Betty asks if he remembers anything. Bruce says he only remembers fragments, and that because there's too much noise he can never derive anything from it.  Betty says it's still him inside it. Bruce denies it.  Betty tells him that it felt like Hulk knew her in the cave, she says his mind might be in there but it can't process what's happening. Bruce says he doesn't want to control it, and that he wants to get rid of it.

Others in the room understood what he felt

  Blonsky is standing, shirtless in front of a table that has injections on it. Ross walks in behind him and asks if he's ready and that they're going to even out the playing field. Some people put him in a chair and close the curtains.  Bruce and Betty are in a car, she tells Bruce to wake up because something is happening. Bruce gets out of the car and looks ahead, there's a sign that says 'Roadwork ahead' and two cop cars. Bruce says that they need to go, he tells Betty to walk toward the back of the line but not to move too fast. He and Betty get out of the car and start walking. They walk over to a man, then get on a boat, and go to New York. They're looking at a map. Betty says that it's a long way uptown and that the subway is the quickest. Bruce asks if it's a good idea to put him in a metal tube underground with hundreds of people in the most aggressive city in the world.

He groaned as he said "I honestly would have preferred the subway." as Howard frowned he said "Why is that?" as Bruce waved him off

Betty says that they should take a cab instead. Bruce and Betty are in a taxi. The driver is driving like a crazy person. The cabbie tells another driver that they're slow and they're driving like a woman. The cabbie drops them off. Betty starts shouting at him asking if he's out of his mind and what's wrong with him.  The cabbie starts flirting with her. Betty calls him an asshole as he drives away.  Bruce says that he knows a few techniques that could help her manage her anger.  Betty tells him to zip it and that they were walking.

Everyone is dying laughing as Clint said "Of course she's brave enough to tell you to zip it." as Laura slapped his head as Bruce nodded in thanks she smirked back

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