February 11
Will had travelled his fair share of the world. The actual travelling part wasn't anything new, but this time felt entirely novel. Because he wasn't just going from one place to another. He was going with Luna.
Will had kept his eyes pointed out the window, half-pretending to marvel at the vast blue sea beneath them so he didn't have to turn his face away. He feared that Luna would take one look at him and ask what was wrong. His face, he knew, was more red than her hair. He couldn't sit still to save his life, and he couldn't stop tugging on the ends of his fringe if he'd been paid to. Honestly, Will had half a mind to turn around after all, and tell her that something was wrong with him. He didn't know why he was so nervous.
Beside him, Luna was leaning on her elbow, hair falling into Will's seat as she edged closer to look out the window. She could see how fidgety he was and noticed how his sentences got shorter and shorter, but she'd just chalked it up to nerves - she used to have a terrible fear of flying, herself. She was content to look at the passing clouds, bobbing her head along to whatever song was playing in her head.
Halfway through the flight, a hostess came around with a cart of snacks and bits and bobs. Luna usually didn't indulge, but she didn't hesitate to get something from her this time. As the hostess rolled her cart away, Luna turned in her seat and tapped him on the shoulder. He'd had his eyes closed and his head leant against the window, but his eyes flew open and he sat up.
"Here," Luna said gently, and she pressed a small can of ginger ale into his hand. "It's not much, but it might help." Will accepted the can gratefully, gripping the metal and letting the smooth surface cool his warm hand.
"Thank you," He replied, voice unintentionally coming out as a whisper. Luna hummed a 'you're welcome' in return.
"Hopefully it'll help settle whatever's troubling you," Luna commented, and then she sat back in her seat and closed her own eyes. She'd hardly ever seen Will so bothered, but had a feeling he'd prefer to compose himself when she wasn't looking. And Luna was right in some ways - with her eyes closed, that allowed Will to glance over at her and not feel nerves overwhelm him all over again, but it also let him get used to the feeling and calm down a little bit.
And eventually, he did. Some of the nerves were still present as they got off the plane and retrieved their bags, and even as they went out to get a cab (her parents or sister could have come to get them, Luna explained, but she wanted to surprise them). They started to dissipate during the drive, as Luna passed the time by pointing things out and telling Will all about them. As they drove further into the countryside, past water towers she used to climb and trees she used to draw and forests that she used to play in and had mapped out top to bottom, the nerves took a firm backseat to sheer wonder in Will's head. A warm combination of unfamiliar territory and familiar company wrapped him up, and he finally took a breath as he felt the nerves leave his body altogether.
Luna had the cab drop them at the top of the road, waving as the driver drove away.
"Ready for a short walk?" Luna asked cheerfully, shouldering her bag and smiling at Will.
"I sure am," He said. His gaze was drawn to the lone house about a ways down the dirt road they were standing at the top of. It was, quite literally, like a fairy tale. The house was a cottage, a large log cabin sitting alone in the midst of a clearing. A forest encircled most of the clearing, the trees standing guard and protecting the ring that her home sat in.
"You okay?" Luna asked as they walked, drawing Will out of his head. "You haven't said much."
"I'm great, I just honestly can't believe this place is real," He marveled, voicing his thoughts. "It's incredible."

Silver and Gold (Wilbur Soot)
Fanfiction"Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver, the other's gold." Luna Silver was satisfied in life. She had all a young twenty-something living in Brighton could need or want. Life was a perfectly straight line for Luna, and she was perfectly c...