I Promise

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A/N: So, the cover image is not mine, this is not my first fanfiction, just my first time posting on Wattpad, and James Dashner own Maze Runner and characters, I just own the plot in this little one-shot. I take requests, so pls pm me if you liked this and might be looking forward to seeing more of my writing. :D 


He couldn't breathe. Couldn't think. Couldn't function. Couldn't move. His head was spinning and his heart was shattered. 'Is this what dying feels like?' Thomas had asked himself. If this wasn't death, then he didn't know how actually dying could be worse. It hadn't even been an hour since... since... Thomas couldn't even bring himself to admit what had just previously happened. He made a promise. He promised a little boy that he would bring him home to his mom and he couldn't even fulfill that! Thomas had never hated himself more than he did right now.

He tried to gain his composure for the others; to show them that he was strong, that he was tough, to show them to be brave, to be a leader; but he just couldn't regain tranquility. Thomas could barely comprehend what was happening around him. Everything was just a blur. More tears dropped from Thomas' face as he played with the bloodstained figurine Chuck had given him in his last moments.

The figurine that he was supposed to give to his mom. The figurine that he couldn't give to his mom. The figurine that meant he would never come back. Thomas started shaking. Hyperventilating, breaking down, sobbing. He couldn't take it anymore. He had seen one of his friends die right before him; giving him that last look of relief. Thomas had watched as Chuck stared at him with pure terror, the brave face he put on all gone. Then, in a blink of an eye, the life drained out of Chuck's warm, innocent eyes, and then he was getting taken away, and now he was here.

Thomas heard ruffling and felt a figure sit next to him with a little grunt. The person gently took his hand and gave it an assuring squeeze. "How you holdin' up, Tommy?" Thomas instantly recognized the crisp, mesmerizing accent. Newt. Thomas leaned his head onto Newt's bony shoulder, he didn't mind that, though. He loved everything about Newt. "I promised him..." Thomas whispered.

Newt brought Thomas into a tight embrace. "I know, I know, Tommy. It's okay, it's okay. We're all goin' to be fine." Newt rubbed comforting circles on Thomas' back. "No, we're not, Newt! Because of me Chuck is gone! He's dead! And he's not coming back! OKAY! I MADE A SHUCKIN' PROMISE TO BRING HIM BACK AND I FAILED HIM! OKAY? IT'S ALL MY FAULT! LOOK WHAT I'VE DONE! I'M A SHUCK MONSTER!"

Despite the bitter, and venomous tone to Thomas' harsh words, he just found himself sobbing onto Newt's chest and shoulder harder than before. Like the angel Newt was, he just soothed Thomas, trying to calm him down. He wasn't even the slightest bit mad at Thomas' outburst. "Tommy, Tommy, look at me, 'right?" Thomas focused is gaze into Newt's warm, brown ones. Looking into Newt's eyes made him feel like he was home. "Some promises are made to be broken and unfulfilled," the blonde tried to comfort Tommy.

"Yeah! AND THIS WASN'T! NEWT, PLEASE, JUST STOP! I KNOW YOU'RE TRYING TO BE HELPUL BUT YOU'RE MAKING ME FEEL WORSE! JUST... just get away from me and leave me alone!" Thomas spat the hateful words out of anger. He wanted nothing but that. He wanted Newt to hold him, cuddle him, comfort him. He wanted Newt to be his and he really, really didn't want Newt to do what he asked by leaving his side, but alas, Thomas, as usual, had bad luck, and Newt did exactly as he asked, clearly fed up with Thomas' crappiness. 

"Fine," Newt muttered, his demeanor cold and unfriendly, missing his usual kindness and warmth. Damn, that stung, though. More than a griever sting. That one word that tipped everything upside down. Newt stood up with a heavy heave and crossed the small helicopter's area, making his way toward Minho. "Wait!" Thomas exclaimed, arm reaching out in attempt to stop Newt. Newt froze. "What, Thomas? What do you want? I'm obviously just a buggin' burden to you, alright? So, what, do  you actually want from me, slinthead?"

Thomas didn't know tears had welled up in his friend's eyes. "Newt, I'm sorry. I... I didn't mean any of that. Just please, stay with me, hold me for all I care. I just... I need you. Please..." Thomas lowered his gaze to the floor. He heard footsteps and just like before, Newt was cuddling up against him. Newt pulled Thomas onto his lap and clung to his waist, burying his face in Thomas' shoulder. Thomas just enjoyed and sunk into the condoling embrace. "Thanks, Newt," Thomas murmured with his face in Newt's shoulder. " 's no problem, Tommy."

"Y'know what? I promise that no matter what happens, we'll get through it together. Forever. Just  you and me being there for each other. In fact, I promise you the world and I promise that'll I do whatever it takes for you to survive and live the life you deserve." Newt swore an oath.

As the lanky blonde shushed Thomas into a calmer state and hopefully slumber, Thomas managed to mumble "I love you, Newt," and the last thing he heard before he fell asleep was, "I love you, too." Then, everything was black, and soon, Newt fell into that sleep, too. The two lovers fast asleep, into a tender embrace, holding each other tightly, afraid to let go; afraid to lose one another. 


Minho, Teresa, and Frypan were whispering in a shady corner. Giggling and gossiping. "Look at them," gushed Teresa. "Aaw, they're so cute," chimed in Frypan. "I SHIP IT!" Minho whisper-yelled earning a loud SHUSH from Teresa and Frypan. He didn't even have the decency to say sorry. "Don't wake them up," Teresa and Frypan had complained. "Well, well, well, fellas," Winston cut in, "looks like you all owe me things."

Little did those conniving shanks know, Newt was, in fact, actually awake, and he had heard everything. A small smile curled on his lips. He should've known they were betting on him and Thomas.

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