I Have You [Narry One-Shot]

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Niall’s P.O.V

“Shut up, Niall!” Harry screamed that eventful night. He’s my boyfriend. Yes, I did just say that. He was mad at me, though. “I didn’t do anything!” I fought back. I still don’t know what that fight was about. Harry just came home mad. “Of course you didn’t,” Harry shouted, sarcastically. “Are you drunk?” I asked him. “Fuck you,” Harry yelled. I raised my eyebrows. “Same to you, babe,” I rolled my eyes. “I don’t know why I’m still with you,” Harry crossed his arms, “I deserve so much better,”. I widened my eyes. Harry knew that was my biggest insecurity. Feeling like everyone deserved better… “What did you say?” I mumbled. I just stood there with no emotion at all. “I said, I deserve better, obviously,” Harry rolled his eyes. I started to say something, God knows what, but I couldn’t. Before I knew it, Harry stormed upstairs. I laid down on the couch, replaying the entire conversation in my head. “I’m going out!” Harry shouted, when I had replayed the converration for about the sixth time. “Fine with me,” I said. “Didn’t need to be,” Harry shouted, slamming the door behind him. I sighed. What did I do? I called Liam. “Li,” I said when he answered. “Hi, Niall,” Liam said calmly, “what’s up?”. I broke down in tears. “Oh, god, what happened? Do I need to come over? Is everyone okay? Did anyone die?” Liam asked me, worryingly. “No!” I interrupted him. “Oh.” he said, feeling better, I guess. “Harry’s just being a jerk,” I sighed. “Aw, what happened, Ni?” Liam asked me, sweetly. I told him the whole story. “Was he drunk?” Liam asked. “I asked but he answered with ‘fuck you’,” I rolled my eyes. “Great,” Liam sighed with sarcasm. We were both quiet for a second or two. “Well, I’m sorry, Ni, but I gotta go. Dani’s dragging me to a dance thing,” Liam laughed. “Bye,” I mumbled. “Bye,” Liam hung up. “Everyone fucking hates me,” I said out loud. 

Harry’s P.O.V

I got to the bar. Good, finally away from that motherfucker, I thought. I went inside and straight for the alcohol. I had a lot that night. I don’t usually get extremely drunk, but I did that night. My friend, Joseph Robertson, was also there. He wasn’t drinking, though. His girlfriend pulled him to the bar. “Hey, Harry,” Joseph said to me. “Hi,” I replied. He knew I was drunk, and offered to drive me home. “Sure,” I started to slur. A few hours later, he dragged me out of the bar. “We’re going home, bro,”. I laughed, “No.” Joseph rolled his eyes, “Yes.” I gave in after a minute. Getting in that car is the last thing I can remember from that night.

Third Person P.O.V

Joseph was driving Harry home. Harry was drunker than drunk, but Joseph was as sober as he got. They were leaving the bar and got to the nearest intersection, when they were hit. Hard. By a driver even drunker than Harry. It was a loud crash. Joseph’s car was ruined. His windshield went flying into the car, cutting both Harry and Joseph’s faces to bits. They were bleeding horribly. It was an awful sight. As soon as it could, an ambulance came. They got the poor teenage boys out of the car. Neither could talk, but the doctor said they’d be fine. They got them onto stretchers and into the ambulance. As soon as they were at the nearest hospital, they called family and friends of these boys. 

Niall’s P.O.V

I heard the phone ring and pulled my lazy self off the couch to get it. “Hello?” I answered. “Hello, Mr. Horan,” the woman said. “Uh, hi?” I said, confusedly. “A Harry Styles is in the hospital, and we had in the record to call you,” she told me, very professionally. “Harry’s in the… hospital?” I shouted. I hung up, not realizing it was rude. This was all my fault. I screamed back at him when I should have just asked what was wrong. I got my coat and ran outside to my car. I started bawling as soon as I got in. I drove to the hospital at way above the speed limit. I don’t even care. After I parked at the hospital, I ran inside. “Where’s Harry Styles’ room?” I asked. “Harry, hmm. The curly haired teenage boy?” she asked me. “Yes!” I screamed at her. “He came in with a Joseph Robertson, and they’re both in room 189,” she said after checking the file. I didn’t even wait to thank her. I was gone straight for room 189. Somehow, I knew where it was. I don’t know how I did, but I did. The door was closed and locked. I asked the nearest nurse why. “You can’t visit them,” she shrugged. “Why? Harry is my boyfriend,” I told her, hesitant on boyfriend. Had he broken up with me? I didn’t know. “That’s very sweet, but they can’t have visitors. It’s 11pm,” she told me, quite annoyed. “I’m sorry, but how long will it take you to realize I need to see him?” I made fists with my hands. “N-O. What part do not you understand?” she asked me. “What part of ‘you will need your own nurse if I don’t see him’ do you not understand?” I retorted. “That would be illegal,” she smiled evilly. “I don’t care,” I growled. Yes, I literally growled. “Fine. Hit me then,” she crossed her arms. I did hit her. I don’t care. My boyfriend was dead for all I knew. After crying a little bit more, I went and talked to another nurse. “May I please visit Harry Styles and Joseph Robertson?” I asked, wondering why Harry was with Joseph. I liked Joseph, too, but, you know, it was a little weird. Good thing he’s not gay, I thought. Harry could have cheating on me. I shook my head. No, he’s not, I thought. “Sure, sweetheart, since you asked so nicely,” she said to me. I sighed, “thank you,”. She went over and unlocked room 189. She went in first. I was scared to. What if Harry kicked me out, I wondered. I pushed myself in. I looked at Harry. He was silent, asleep maybe, but not dead. I couldn’t take that. The nurse walked over to Joseph’s half of the room. I didn’t follow, I just stared at Harry. He was my Harry, and he was hurt. The dick who hurt him was gonna get it, I thought. “Okay, they’re just unconscious.  Should wake up tomorrow. Go home, get some rest, then come back,” the nurse ordered me. “Okay,” I replied. I knew Harry wasn’t dead, but I still didn’t get any sleep that night. 

I was at the hospital right when visiting hours started. “Hi,” the nurse I saw yesterday said to me. “Hi,” I replied, “did Harry, gulp, wake up?”. She didn’t answered but pointed her head toward the door. I went in, walking slower than Harry talks. His back was no toward the door. He’s moved, that’s a start, I though. “Hi,” I said, quietly. He turned his head slowly. It was all cut up, scratched and bleeding. “Niall?” Harry said, even quieter that me. “Yeah,” I whispered, “are you okay?”. Harry looked down and sat up carefully. “No,” he whispered back. I frowned, feeling horrible. “Because, I was mean to you for no reason, and I’m sorry,” Harry explained. “Aw, you don’t have to be. You’re in pain, you don’t have to worry about me,” I didn’t know what to say. “Yes, I do,” Harry sighed, “I love you,”. He pulled me into a hug. I smiled and kissed one of his cuts. “Feels better, babe,” Harry laughed. I kissed them all. He pulled me down and kissed my lips gently. “I love you, too,” I said, realizing I didn’t reply. Harry grinned. “I’m still sorry,” Harry mumbled. “Me too,” I whispered into his lips, kissing him. “So, is, uh, Joseph okay?” I asked. Harry looked down again. “No,” he answered, barely audible. “Oh,” I looked down, too. “Is he, uh-” I started, before interruption. “Dead? Yes. He died this morning,” Harry replied. I closed my eyes. He sacrificed his life, and lost it, for Harry. “I wish I could have thanked him,” I said, sadly. “Why?” Harry asked. “He saved you. You would’ve driven home and got hit where he did instead. What would I have done then?” I wiped a tear away. “Why would you care? I was mean to you,” Harry whispered. “Doesn’t mean I don’t love you, babe. No matter what you did, I would still love you,” I smiled. It was cheesy and stupid, but true. “I love you, too, Ni. I’m sorry, though. I don’t know why I was so mad,” Harry put his hand on my cheek. “But, you’re not, now and that’s all that matters. That and our love,” I whispered, putting a hand into his hair. We kissed and everything was perfect for a minute. I could feel Joseph smiling down on us, knowing we were happy.

I Have You [Narry One-Shot]Where stories live. Discover now