Gomita's past life

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Gomita was born in 1666 where world war kitties started she lived in poor conditions she could barely eat and her parents could barely bring food on the table and gomita had 3 brothers and 3 sisters and she was the youngest one. So her siblings would do anything to protect gomita gave food to her do anything to keep gomita alive and sadly. One day, gomita dad passed away his cause of dead was an airstrike attack where he worked 1 mile away where gomita lived the whole family was devastated and wanted to avenge their father and who was the cause of world war kitties and they figured the cause of the war it was Akolf kittler the USK were being attacked by the Nakis and USK was loosing in the battle fast forwarding 1686 *30 years later USK won and gomita was in the Army at this time* She was chilling with her other friends just chatting until a airstrike came out of nowhere killing 3 army soldiers and everyone got ready and WWK2 happened. They went in battle mostly every friend of gomita have died except for one Pico. Pico and gomita have been best friends since kindergarten so they made a promise to not leave eachother even if they die one die the other has to die so the army of USK have been cornering the Nakis but Akolf little sender a nuclear bomb attack killing half of the army of USK. And The Nakis had a chance to flank the USK Army and there was a sniper kitty nearly killing Pico in the head and they ran away to cover they told eachother Gomita: I really don't want to lose you you've been my best friend since kindergarten. Pico: me too but we're doing this for our country we don't run away we have to defend it. So Pico got a 50. Caliber shot the Nakis sniper down so they can flank the Nakis where they are at The "Golden" Gate bridge. But as soon Pico killed a Nakis Pico was shot on the arm and gomita dragged Pico away they called for a medic they patched the wound up but if they go they're base is going to be destroyed causing the USK to lose the war so they decided to risk their lives the medic was killed right on the spot but gomita shot the Nakis soldier gomita gave Pico a gun to survive but gomita did not wanted to die yet bc she had children's waiting at her home to be back so she got up got brave and said just like my dad said he brave and killed 3-5 Nakis soldier cats Pico followed behind protecting her from behind and got 1 soldier cat killed but Pico was shot on the head by a sniper cat and gomita asked for an airstrike on top of a tower an airstrike destroyed the tower giving gomita time to run away and go to safety Nakis soldiers were shooting at gomita and she was hit 3 times 1 on the arm and 2 on the left leg she was limping and passed out on the floor and a USK soldier saw gomita on the floor they went behind the Nakis and grabbed gomita and ranned away they got a medic and she was left to recover and a soldier asked gomita where is Pico *gomita started crying* sh-sh-she died. Soldier: I'm so sorry to hear that I've heard that Pico was your best friend since kindergarten. Gomita: yea she was a good friend she was always be there with me take care of me when I was sick and now she is gone. Soldier: well I have to get going hope you feel better bye. *Gomita's mind* I want to some spaghetti I wish my grandma was still alive. *After a month gomita recovered from her injuries and founded out that they won the war so she went back home hugged her kids and her mother and she decided to leave the army to spend more time at home with her family* Lolipop Lolipop do you guys love cheese if not your missing out.

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