Abondond Hunted house

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When it was 12am   a man called harry and his wife found a  house it was freaking them out.but then they saw a pond they went closer for a good look but  when they went too close. Suddenly, a black slimy hand reached out and dragged both of them into the pond.   As their bodies struggled with all their might, it was futile as the sum of their strengths could not overcome the anonymous hand's grip. And when they got in the pond.They look around them selfs dead fishes and even dead octopus and when they look in front of them it was a scary monster! And it was trying to say something but harry said: what are you trying to say. So harry's wife said:i think he is trying to say something.Harry said:i just said that what are you trying to say oh said the wife. And the monster lead them to a escape when they went out they said good bye

So did any one like the story.Say yes or no it is ok if you don't like it but those who said yes thank you.(hi here's my sisters writing she wanted to follow me and try writing a story, she's 8 its her first time spare her alright)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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