And So It Begins

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Blaze gruffly shoved Uva through the portal causing Uva to stumble onto the wooden flooring of a tree house.

"Who? What?" A boy exclaimed rising from a swivel chair. "Oh Blaze, it's just you. Whose your friend?"

"She's not a friend. She's my prisoner and an underling of Segunda's." Blazed explained.

"She had a scroll piece then." A girl guessed as she climbed into the tree house.

"That's correct. Here." Blaze handed the girl the scroll piece. "Also, keep an eye on the underling."

"Why are you dumping her on me?" The girl frowned.

"I have other things to do." Blaze turned to Uva. "If you escape, I’ll hunt you down and kill you."

Before the girl could protest further, Blaze disappeared through the portal.

"Ugh, why didn't she take the underling to Mamoru? He has a dungeon!" The girl complained.

"We could take her Mamoru if you want." The boy offered.

The girl paused then shook her head. "Mamoru left this in our hands. That's why we have the scroll pieces."

"That's the spirit, Annabel!" The boy encouraged. "Besides, Blaze probably figured the underling could give us some helpful information."

"I suppose." Annabel sighed.

Uva began to feel indignant. They talked about her like she wasn't there then decided she might be able to help. No, she wouldn't help. She'd escape the first chance she got. In fact, now seemed like a good time. The others were arguing. Sure, these two helped take down Segunda, but they weren't nearly as intimidating as Blaze was. Uva slowly made a move for the exit when both Annabel and the boy grabbed Uva's wrists.

"Forget it, Antonio. She's not going to cooperate." Annabel reasoned.

"Let’s give her a chance. She could be Uva." Antonio argued.

"Who on earth is Uva?" Annabel huffed.

"The girl Melon Boy was asking about. If he believes in her, so do I." Antonio answered firmly.

Uva froze. Melon Boy believed in her still? Once again, she felt conflicted. Was Segunda's side really the right choice? Could she really be something other than a villain?

Annabel put all four scroll pieces on a table. "Okay, underling, do you like puzzles?"

Uva narrowed her eyes and grunted.

"Great, you can help us put this scroll together."

From Underling to UvaWhere stories live. Discover now