chapter 13

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Eliza and I were cuddling watching TV in the living room. Why are we not in the theater room you might ask. Well because Eliza said she doesn't want to go in there right now so I layed down on the couch in the living room and Eliza layed on top of me watching vampires diaries. I just don't get into. While we're cuddling Lauren and Y/N walk in
"Eliza we have a problem."Lauren says making Eliza pause her show and look at Lauren still laying on me
"And whats that?"Eliza asks
"Y/N and Alycia and did something stupid while we were gone this weekend."Lauren says and I glare at Y/N
"What the hell dude."I say
"Sorry she asked me if we did anything stupid while they were gone and I said yes cause I would've lied I had to eat a bulls penis even though I still ended up doing since I didn't tell her what we did."Y/N says making and Eliza do a puking face
"Well what did yall do?"Eliza asks making you better not lie to me if you know whats good for you face
"Nothing bad we just went to the mall and stole the mall cops scooter thing and then after he took it he kicked us out so we went to walmart and climbed the selves surprisingly we didn't knock anything down."I say and laugh with Y/N but we both stop when Eliza and Lauren glare at us
"We were gone for two days thats it."Lauren says
"So we were bored."Y/N says ans shrugs
"Please tell me why can't yall just act like yall are actually 20 for one fucking day."Lauren says annoyed
"We're sorry okay we just get bored."Y/N says and I nod in agreement
"We don't care yall are both 20 and we're 17 and we act more mature then yall."Eliza says getting of me making me huff
"Baby come on."I say reaching out to her but she still walks to the other side of the room
"No yall are gonna learn how to be mature."Eliza says
"We are mature most of the time."I say
"Yeah but yall be all of the time."Lauren says making me roll my eyes
"But thats boring."I say
"Yeah if we're mature all the time how are we gonna be all goofy when we have kids with yall?"Y/N asks making Lauren Crack a smile
"Exactly come on baby you don't want us being Mature with our kids all the time what happens when they want to play around am I supposed to be like no Mommy said to be mature."I say doing a funny voice and it makes Eliza crack a smile
"Yall drive us insane."Eliza says
"Ain't that the truth."Lauren says and Pulls Y/N into a kiss and Eliza walks back over to me and plops down on me kissing me. While Eliza and I are kissing Zesus comes up and licks my cheek making me pull away
"You're such a cockblocker Zesus." I say making him bark and everyone laugh
"I'll let him and the others out."Y/N says and walks off with zesus following
"I'm gonna go hop in the shower."Eliza says standing up
"I'm coming to."I day and follow her
"Don't be to loud."Lauren says laughing making me flip her off

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