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Tyla POV.

Missing - Tyla Underwood

Every time you see me its hesitant.

Who is she...? Maybe its the fact that she got taller? She couldn't have grown up.

Shes simpily.....her. Its so amazing . her intelligence,

her.....everything. But still. Where is that small, glowing,

misunderstood girl? She's here.

Alive and well but when you see me.... She's "Missing" describe this word "Missing" you use so often.

"....." I put in my College ruled notebook. As I continued my poetry. But before I could continue my father (in MM) came in and snatched my notebook out of my hand.

What is this.....he said as he laughed.

You don't think this is actually good do you? This is.......dumb. Now go do something productive.

OK. Now can I please have my book back?

No .


Because there's so much more to life. Go find somewhere to go. Something to do. You got anyone to hang with.

Yeah. I'll call em now.

Ok then. He said as he threw the book at me.

( Tyla and Tyrone Conversation )

Hey Ty,

Heyy Ty,

What you doing later?

Nothing Why?

You wanna go see a movie...?

Can we see home..?

Yeah sure.

Meet me there Inna few , ill call you when I'm there.


I love you Tyla Underwood

I love you too Tyrone Clark.

( Conversation Ended )

I walked in my fathers room to tell him about Tyrone. But he just started bammin

Tylaaa??!?! What is this I hear about a boy?

My Boyfriend? He's nice. Me and him are going to the movies.. I can go? Oh OK. Love you daddy.

Who's taking y'all?

That's the thing....I need a ride.

I'll drop you off.

I need to go.....now.

I don't know why but it seems like he really needed me out the house. He wouldn't just let me go like that. He's probably inviting ughhh Ms. Jackson over... Again.

Ms Jackson is my fathers Lil boo. She's pretty, but when there together they don't know how to behave, they treat me like I'm the child no one wants. But when my older brother comes around ( almost her age. ) talking bout some Heyyyyyy Ms. Jackson my father allows it.

Its whatever really, she dont bother me. I dont bother them.

Were finally in the car pulling up to the movie theater. And i got out and stood out front and called Tyrone.

But before i could he texted me saying im pulling up now.

He got out the car and grabbed my hand then we walked in to get tickets.

Hi, two for home please....

Ill pay.



He gave her the money. Then we walked into theatre. While we were watching previews i turned and asked him, what do you do?

I sing a lil bit.

Oh... Like Whitney. Or the Weeknd?

Weeknd, you know tyla.....

He pulled me in by my cheeks and kissed me. We kissed for only like a minute. But his soft and buttery lips was justt. Whooooo!! My jesus.

We sat and watched a movie like a couple should. But when it was over. We didnt know what to do. We stood outside and he pinned me up against a wall and kept holding me tight and since hes taller than me. Looking down at me. We was talking in that same position. After a while a few teens walked up to us and said "Relationship goalsss!!!" and took pictures of us in all angles. When we was talking he told me had to go. I started whining and held on to him tightly. I gotta go bae he said softly. I stood on my tippy toes and gave him a kiss. Then he said i love you Tyla Underwood. When he walked away..... I guess my dad was right about getting out more. Because i definitely needed that.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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