Unknown Decisions

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I stared at the whistling trees, the wind beat against my ears while I heard the voice of Peter calling me from the darker side of the street I lived on. "Billy! Come on were going to be late!" He exclaimed, I scurried off the oily coloured bench I was perched on. When I reached Peter I told him "Calm down, we've got ages"

"I know, it's just the depressing weather." he replied.

I agree, the weather was depressing, the sky was a deep morning grey and the air seemed cold and thick. We made no conversation for the whole journey to the Bus stop.

We were on the enduring road when I noticed something in deep in the bushes. I froze as a loud rustling came from the bushes. Peter carried on until he noticed I had stopped, he asked "What are you doing? Come on."

I replied "There's something in there."

"Don't be silly, it just the wind or a bird." He explained

From inside the largest bush a small, squinted, blue eye appeared for a sharp second. It was watching me. Peter had already walked on a couple metres so I rushed up to reach his side. When I arrived next to him I didn't tell him about the eye in the bushes.

When I reached the Bus stop Peter went off to get the earlier bus , While I waited for Paige and Olive in the icy, cold bus stop. Soon as the coldness swallowed me I drifted into a daydream about the small, squinted blue eye. When I entered the dream I found myself in the centre of the bushes. Suddenly the rustling got louder and louder until it was piercing my eardrums. The blue eye placed itself in the centre of my vision; I curiously went to the big bush and placed my sweaty hand on the stiff branch. I pulled the branch back then I saw the shadow of a human one more pull and it would be revealed, I placed my palm on the base of the branch, I pulled it back until I saw - "Billy?, Wake up." A soft voice echoed through my head, as a smooth hand waved in front of my hot sweaty face. In front of me stood Olive and Paige, Paige whispered "Are you okay?"

"Yes sure." I mumbled, I stood up, seeming the Bus was about to arrive. I entered the bus and took a seat in front of Paige and Olive. "Are you sure you're okay Bill? You look a bit pale, like you've seen a ghost." Olive asked.

"Yeah I'm okay, honestly, are you going skating today?"

"Yeah," They both replied. We've always been skating every Friday after school, it was a normal thing. I've known Olive and Paige all my life, through nursery, through primary school and now through secondary. They're easy to understand and close friends I could tell anything to, but the eye situation seemed different and I wasn't in the right mood to tell them.

Outside got brighter and the wind calmed down when we arrived at school. I went off to meet Matt, he was a good friend he could listen and I spent most lessons with him. In lesson 4, Maths, I decided to tell Matt about the eye in the bushes. Speaking to Matt was different than speaking to Paige or Olive; I don't know why it just was.

"Matt?" I whispered

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Well today walking to the bus stop with Peter I seen something deep into the bushes."

"What was it?"

"I'm not sure? But I saw a small squinted eye; it really freaked me out because I thought it was human."

"Well your safes now in school, don't worry about it anyway.

"Yes I suppose but-" The loud banging of chairs getting flung off the tables interrupted me. Sam, Jack and Andy, the popular boys in our year, twisted around knocking over every chair they passed. "Why?" I asked myself loud and clear so they could hear it. "Because we wanted to," spat Sam right in my face. I ignored them; however it just wound me up how they thought they could do whatever they wanted to do. They really hated me. In the whole of our class I was the only person who ever stood up for me to them. "Billy, pay attention, simultaneous equations aren't easy!" My teacher warned.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2014 ⏰

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