Chapter 17

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Abyss stopped.
He walked up to Bucky and about punched him before Jack stopped him.
"Babe!" Jack yelled.
Abyss hissed and grabbed Jack.
Amelia had never seen Abyss be hostile before. Especially to another male.
"Hey Jack!" Bucky said.
Amelia finally understood.
"Why are you here Bucky?" Jack asked wiggling out of Abyss's grip only to be pushed back to him by Amelia.
"Oh your mother told me where to find you. I just wanted to see where you hung out." Bucky said tapping his fingers on the couch.
"Jacky? It's been a long day how about we cuddle?" Abyss asked sweetly.
Jack huffed.
"You're lucky you're cute." Jack said blushing.
Abyss purred and looked back at Bucky.
Bucky growled at Abyss's sneer.
"Oh I had awful car sex earlier. Fuck we're never doing that again." Abyss huffed.
Bucky sunk his nails into the cushion and gritted his teeth.
Abyss wanted a rise out of Bucky. Then he could defensively hurt him.
"Bucky come downstairs with us." Jack said.
Bucky's face lit up.
All three walked down and Abyss huffed.
Abyss laid on the couch and begged Jack to come over.
"So Jack, you're fucking this guy." Bucky said sitting in the rocking chair.
"Correct that statement."
"Jack let's a short bitch make him a bitch." Bucky scuffed.
Abyss nodded.
"Jack is a really bitch." Abyss joked.
Jack smacked Abyss's head and crossed his arms.
Abyss giggled and rubbed the back of his head.
"So when are you leaving?" Abyss asked.
Jack side eyed his boyfriend.
"Oh probably tomorrow.  Jack will you come with me?" Bucky asked.
Abyss growled.
"Oh no, I really couldn't, plus drives scare me."
Bucky nodded.
"You can sleep on the sex couch then." Abyss purred.
Bucky blinked at Abyss.
"You can stay in the spare bedroom.  But Devastation can and will be called if you hurt Abyss." Jack growled
Abyss smirked.
"And you, if you keep antagonizing him I'll get your demon knife out again." Jack growled.
Both males nodded.
"Bucky, I know you like me, any advances will be met with a lightning bolt met to your skull." Jack huffed.
Bucky nodded fastly.
"Abyss, attempts to hurt my friend will be me calling your dad saying that oh you have plans to kill him soon."
Abyss gulped.
Jack smiled and skipped back to his room.
"Listen, hate each other in silence." Abyss growled.
Bucky narrowed his eyes.
"Jack obviously loves you.  Love potions don't work on celestials.  Plus the I need to have children.  I don't know about you but my family need a pack leader."
"Demons have magic." Sparkles came out of Abyss's finger tips.
Abyss's phone started to ring.  Bucky tilted his head.
"Yes father."
A roar was heard from the other side.  From the look on Abyss's face it was bad, very bad.

After the call Abyss dropped his phone and made a hell portal.  Rushing away to the burning hellscape. 
Bucky didn't know if he was supposed to get Jack or watch it until Abyss got back.

Abyss rushed to the arena, the rank orbing was happening, several 16 year olds stood in awe at the greenish yellow demon in the center.
Abyss crawled through the chains that formed into a dome.  He was small enough to fit in between the spaces.  Which would not be legal in a royal battle.
"Father." Abyss said crawling down.
Devastation looked in horror at the demon. Not turning to see his son.
"Father?" Abyss asked.
Abyss reached out and touch his father.  The first time in years, feeling the rough green scales.  He didn't remember the last time Devastation let him touch him. 
Devastation's eyes violently shifted to his son, who he pinned down.
"Do not touch me boy." Devastation hissed.
Abyss shook. 
"Jackson isn't here to defend your sorry ass, you needy bitch." Devastation pricked his talons into Abyss's chest.
"Father the arena!" Abyss yelped.
Devastation let go. He huffed and saw Abyss quickly leave the arena, heal, and come back.  The arena prevented immoral healing, it was also where many kings and queens were executed.  When Abyss had children Fredrick and Annebella would both be killed.  But if Devastation died maybe Fredrick wouldn't die which was what Abyss kept repeating.
"Alice." Devastation said.
She happily turned around and presented her necklace again.
It was first penti with second penti colors,  the gems were blue instead of red and there was a double pentagram in the middle of the circle. 
"Did the orb have a stroke?" Abyss asked.
"Singer demons don't get higher than fifth rank.  Abyss remembered when you were 4?" Devastation asked.
Abyss remembered his mother packing him and there things in a car and screaming at Devastation.  Not entirely remembering everything, but it might have been over his affair.
"Your affair correct?" Abyss asked.
Alice hopped over and sat in front of Abyss.
For being 16 she was 10 feet tall, taller than the actual prince.
"I actually get to live in the castle.  My mother always called me a princess!  Hello prince Abyssal." Alice bowed to the prince.
"Uh yeah I'm gay so please go over there." Abyss pointed to the other side of the arena.  He also vomited in his mouth a bit.
"Yes son, I have a feeling that's your illegitimate sister."
Abyss growled.
"I told you." Abyss growled.
"You only have one sister correct." Devastation corrected himself

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