Chapter 16

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Jeon Jungkook:
I can’t forget the scared look on her face when she saw that man. Why was she so scared? What did she meant by ‘Why can’t I live in peace?’ What is she hiding from me? I kept thinking about what happened at the party while looking at her sleeping face. She fell asleep on our way home, and I carried her to bed. I sighed, and thought about what my father said at the party.
Yona went to the bathroom, and I wanted to go with her but my father looked serious about talking to me. “Jungkook, I just wanted to say that I am really sorry about everything. What happened with your mother really affected me, and made me only think about how to heal my heart that got broken after discovering her real face” He said, and I looked down not wanting to look at his eyes.
“Jungkook, I just wanted to say that I love you so much, you are the only family left for me in this world. I lost my parents at a very young age, and promised myself to always give my son or daughter the love I didn’t have when I was young. However, I left you alone, and kept thinking about myself, and the company. I even made you give up on your dreams to take over the company. I forced you to marry a stranger whom you don’t love” He said, and I looked at his face.
“I am sorry, Jungkook. You can leave the company, and divorce Yona. I don’t care about the company anymore, you are more important to me. I know this is late, but please forgive me” I smiled sadly at him, and sighed. “You know what dad, I tried to hate you, but I couldn’t” I said, and he looked sad and relieved.
“You left me alone when I needed you, I gave up on my dream to become a photographer just to help you with the company. You forced me to marry a stranger for the sake of your business. I always had a stereotypical image in my head that all women are going to be like mother. I hated my wife and treated her bad to the point where she tried to end her life. But guess what, she turns out to be an angel. She is not like mother. She is kind and doesn’t care about money. She taught me how to be happy and grateful for everything I have. For once, I am happy about a choice you made because if you didn’t make me marry her, I wouldn’t have met an awesome girl like her. You are also the only family I have left beside her, so I forgive you” I said, and he smiled a genuine smile that I didn’t see on his face for years.
“And for the company, I will continue being the CEO, so don’t worry about it and enjoy your life. I hope you find someone like Yona, you will feel what I feel for sure” I said, and hugged him. I just missed him so much.
I left my father, and went to look for Yona. I walked towards the bathroom area, and saw her looking at me with a scared face. I was about to call her, but she yelled my name and ran to me. She hugged me tightly, and started crying and saying that she is scared. I just wish she tells me what is wrong with her. I just wish she tells me why she is so scared and of who. I held her hand and walked out of the house not caring about Mr Ken, or anyone else. Only she was important at that moment.
I felt her move and heard small sobs, I looked at her face and saw that she was crying. “No, don’t kill him no!” She mumbled, and I held her face and wiped her tears. “Yona? Wake up, look I am here with you” I said, and she opened her eyes, and gasped. “Jungkook? Where are you?” She panicked, and I held her face again and made her look at me.
“Hey, look I am here” I said, and she hugged me. “He killed you! He said he will kill the people I love again!” She cried, and I couldn’t hold it anymore. “Listen to me” I said, and wiped her tears, making her look at me. “I want you to tell me what is going on, please” I said, and she shook her head. “No, you will be in danger..... You won’t believe me” She said, but I shook my head.
“Please tell me, I don’t want you to keep everything to yourself. I am your husband. I know I was bad and hurt you before, but believe me, I changed and it’s because of you. I love you and I want you to tell me your problems, don’t keep everything to yourself” I said, and she sighed, and looked at the bracelets on her wrist. “I am not from this world”.
Min Yona:
I cried, as I felt the Empress’s pain and fear. Sandra looked at me sadly, and Taehyung was so confused and worried at the same time. “I think you need to talk to her, I am sure you two can communicate somehow. Your souls are already connected. This is so rare and I didn’t hear about something like this before, I think it has a meaning behind it” Sandra said, and cleared her throat when she realised that Taehyung was still in the room.
“Ok, can someone tell me what is going on?” Taehyung said, and I sighed and wiped my tears. “Sandra, please leave us” I said, and she nodded, looking at me one more time before leaving the room. I looked at Taehyung, and sighed. “You won’t believe me” I said, and he walked towards me and sat beside me on the bed. He held my hand, and looked at my eyes. “Tell me, I will always believe you” He said. “I am not from this world”.
Lin Yona:
I said it..... I kept looking at my fingers and didn’t have the courage to look at Jungkook’s face. “What do you mean?” He asked after a long silence, and I sighed. “I was an Empress in my other world.... I died and when I woke up, I found myself here” I said, and avoided looking at his face.
He didn’t say anything, so I continued. “My parents, the Emperor and the Empress, were killed by my father’s advisor” I said, and tried not to cry. “I ruled my Kingdom at the age of 18, I only had my servant, Sandra. She was always there for me, and treated me like my mother” I said, and felt Jungkook’s hold tighten around me.
“One day, I welcomed my father’s advisor at my palace, I didn’t know that he was the murderer of my parents.... I trusted him like my father did.... But he poisoned me” I said, and felt Jungkook wipe my tears. “I woke up, and saw myself in the bathtub, surrounded by bloody water. My wrists were bleeding, and my mother in this world came to me and took me to the hospital” I said, and took a deep breath.
“I am sorry that I am not your real wife, I don’t know what happened to her soul, but I think she is in my world right now” I mumbled, and closed my eyes not wanting to see the disappointed look on his face.
“Get out, I don’t love you anymore” He said, and I gasped and tears fell from eyes. “Is that what you wanted me to say?” He asked, and I cried while looking at him with confusion. “I don’t know how did this happen, but I believe you, and I am sure that the one I love is you, not the real Yona” He said, and wiped my tears.
“I am sorry that you had to go through too much, and I am sorry that I made fun of you when you didn’t know what was happening around you here, or what do you use in some situations. What you just said explains, why you seemed so lost and confused here. It’s because you are not actually from this era. I just want to say, I am so proud of you. You were brave, and ruled a whole Kingdom at a very young age after your parents died. You are the strongest girl I have ever met. The most beautiful one too” He said, and I felt so lucky to have someone like him.
Is this what my mother felt when she met my father? “What you said is so fantasy like, I didn’t hear anything like this before” He said, and I decided to tell him about the legend, and Le in details.
“If I saw this man! I will kill him” Jungkook said, and I tried to calm him. “Don’t, he will take you away from me like he did with my parents” I said, and Jungkook held my hands. “Yona, I want you to have faith in me. I won’t let him take you away from me or the opposite. You said that the evil soul can be transferred one more time right, then does that mean that he is here?” I looked at him with fear. “Y-Yes, he was the man with my father....”
Min Yona:
Taehyung looked at me with shock, and then chuckled nervously. “What are you saying?” He said, and I glared at him. “I knew you wouldn’t believe me, if you really loved me y-” He held my face quickly, and kissed me on the lips, making my eyes widen.
“Did I say I don’t believe you? Why do you always jump to conclusions that aren’t real? I believe you of course, I was just shocked” He explained, and I blushed so hard. “Please, continue” He said, smirking when he saw my red face. I rolled my eyes, and took a deep breath.
“I am from a different world, I was married to a man whom my father forced me to marry” I said, and Taehyung looked angry. “I was treated horribly by him, and my father ignored my feelings. He only cared about money and business, my husband thought I was with him for his money, and treated me bad. I tried to end my life, I cut my wrists with a knife.....” I took a deep breath, and Taehyung held my hands tightly.
“I died, and opened my eyes to see myself in the Empress’s body. I know this sounds crazy, but this is what happened” I said. Taehyung hugged my side and kissed my forehead. “I know what happened to you was horrible, but I am glad that you came here. I can’t imagine my life without you. I am so proud of you because you are strong. You always help the others without thinking about the consequences. You are beautiful from the outside and the inside. If I saw that man I will kill him” He said, and I smiled.
“It’s ok, he apologised to me. He had his reasons, and I am sure he is happy with the Empress. I saw the way he looked at her” I said, and Taehyung looked at me with confusion. “How do you know?” He asked, and I sighed. I told him about everything, the legend, the Empress, and the images I keep seeing.
“So, you mean that you can actually communicate with her because your souls are connected? The man who killed her parents, is he in her world?” He asked, and I closed my eyes while leaning on his shoulder. “I don’t know if I can communicate with her yet, but she has been really scared and stressed lately. I can sense her fear, and I am sure that the man who killed her parents is in her world. He will probably do something bad. I am scared for her, I don’t know what to do” I cried, and Taehyung hugged me.
“Don’t cry, we will figure something out. You both are strong. I am sure it’s going to be ok” He said, and I kept thinking about what he said. Is it actually going to be ok?

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