Ch 17 | The Reality

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Jia was having the pendrive in her fist while she walked to the meeting room.. Luckily Yeonjun didn't destroy it.. She paused and stared at the pendrive.. she didn't want to give it to KIA.. but she had to do that.. to save Haneul.. She took a deep breath while closing her eyes trying to calm herself.. she remembered Jungkook's promise of saving Haneul.. Her confidence again builds up.. She opened eyes and walked in..

Her eyes were dark as she looked at each and every person present in the room.. All the higher authorities.. She remembers how they kidnapped her son just to get evidence while completely ignoring all the hard work she had done for them.. Mr. Lee.. who is one of the higher authorities welcomed Jia with a big smirk on his face.. Her boss.. Agent 04 and Agent 05 were already present inside the room..

Her boss.. Wang Jackson.. had an undefined expression on his face.. his eyes never met Jia's.. as if he was guilty about what KIA was doing to her.. Jia too doesn't believe that kidnapping Haneul can be suggested by her boss.. she knows he can be strict but not foolish to play these dirty tricks.. She banged her hand on the table.. "Where is my son" she asked while clenching her jaws..

"Why are you in a hurry Agent 03? Let's have a good talk first" Mr. Lee said while still sitting on his chair.. "I'm not here to talk about anything.. I have the pendrive.. And I'll only give you that once I see Haneul safe... without a single scratch on his body" she said.. the silence covered the room.. "What if we already killed him?" Mr. Lee said with a smirk.. though Jia knew that he was saying this just to scare her.. but she was a mother after all.. losing her child was her biggest fear..

"Then it's the biggest reason for me to kill you too" she said with hesitation.. "Tsk tsk tsk.. Never knew you were a mother.. I mean.. you're too young to be one.. ain't you Ms. Jia?" he said.. she ignored his words.. "ok.. as you wish.. give me the pendrive" he said.. "I want my son first" she said.. there was complete silence for a few seconds.. Mr. Lee nodded to Agent 02.. she turned back and Jimin entered with haneul in the room..

"Mom" Haneul said.. It was music to Jia's ears... she was finally at peace seeing Haneul smiling brightly as he entered the room holding Jimin's hand.. as he saw his mother after two whole days.. he tried to run to her trying to het out of jimin's hold.. but jimin didn't let him run to her.. Instead Jia ran to Haneul and took him in her arms.. Jimin was still holding his hand.. "Haneul.. they didn't hurt you right? are you alright my baby?" She said with tears in her eyes.. he nodded innocently..

"I'm all fine mom.. but.. are you fine? Jimin uncle came to pick me up saying you are not healthy and you needed rest" he said.. that made Jia look at Jimin.. who was avoiding her stare.. she wanted to slap him.. kicking him.. punch him to the death for using her son.. but was relieved that he didn't treat haneul as a hostage all this time.. "Yes.. mom is fine.. did you-" Her sentence was cut off by Mr. Lee.. "Let's keep these boring talks of patch up for later.. Give me pendrive" he said.. she took a deep breath..

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