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It is starting to get cold in here and smells like chloride. I am starting to tremble as I go further. Only thing I can hear is my footsteps and water drops from my dress falling on the ground. I slowly open doors to the room where the coldness came from.

There is a pool. It is clear as a diamond. Small lights around the pool and roof from glass. I look up and I see stars in the sky. It is night already. I hope that my mom is not worrying too much...

I slowly go inside the room and I am heading to another doors across the room. I am going carefully so I don't slip.. wet floor? Someone has been here.. I look around the room and go faster by the pool when someone takes me and I fall into pool with big splash.

I close my mouth in last seconds. I close my eyes and want to let out a small scream because the water is really cold. My dress is spreading in water like a flower in the spring. I look in front of me. He is there. The 7th stealer. Looking right at me. I swim up and start to cough. He swims up right in front of me. I push him away

y/n: are you out of your mind?! I thought you steal hearts not-
hyunjae: yes I do. your heart rate is up so all I gotta do is steal your heart now

He reaches out for me. I go down under the water, trying to get away. He swims faster. ahe takes me and pulls me completely next to him. He doesn't let go. We are underwater. Can't breathe. He looks into my eyes and waits. I know what he is waiting for. I won't be able to hold breath for that long.

I count till 5. Slowly close my eyes. Relax my body. He shakes me and takes me out of water. Mission success.

hyunjae pov

I hold her and all I have to do is wait. Till she makes a move. After few seconds her vision starts to get blurry. Her body gets lighter. She fainted ?! No way... I wasn't supposed to- I slightly shake her. No reaction. I put her over my shoulder and swim up.

I lay her down on the floor. The floor starts flood because of us. I check her pulse. It is fine. I worry, but too much. I can't let our final girl die. When I am close enough and our lips almost touch, she opens her eyes. I get shocked.

y/n: I got your heart rate up

she smirks and says "but instead of you, i stole your heart" she stands up and pushes me into pool.

Empty feeling. Last thing I saw of her is how she ran away with wet, heavy clothes and bare foot.

y/n pov

From being little bit wet, now I am full on wet. My dress, my hair and myself. The dress is so heavy now and stuck to my body. I have to run. Because I leave marks behind me and they might possibly find me anytime.

My dress leaves a river behind me. I am stressed out. If I am lucky enough, I have to find closet to change dress so I don't stink like chloride. My heart is racing. Real fast. I try to run as fast as I can.

I look at the doors - bedroom, bedroom.. all other rooms, but no wardrobe! I run into one of then bedroom's and lock the door. I pant as I sit down. I put my head in my hands. No, I don't cry, but I am mad at myself. Where have I got myself into?!

Stop y/n. No time for thoughts like that. I go to bathroom and pray that no one shows up. I get undressed and quickly shower myself up. I get in robe and tie my hair up. I open bathroom doors and look around. No one. Thank god.

I run to closet room. I am sorry for taking this person's clothes, but not my problem now. I look at all those clothes. I want to get something similar to my previous dress, but more stunning. A lot of clothes, but too colorful.

Stop! Tulle, black, till ground, wide. I take it out. It looks like my previous one, but more better, like I would be the owner of mansion, like the one who rules the game.

I wear it. The dress fabric goes till the ground. It has long tulle sleeves that fit my arms. I look for accessories and shoes. I wear simple black ballerinas so it is easy to run anytime and small decorative pearl earrings.

I look in the mirror. My mom would be so happy to see me in this. Small smile appears on my face. Suddenly someone puts tiara on my head.

The Stealer // The Boyz Where stories live. Discover now