3. How I found out about creepypastas!

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So I had never heard about any creepypastas in till 2019. My cousin and I where playing Minecraft and we where at the end and talking about the Enderman and she said something about slinderman and i said "what's a slinderman?" She told me he was a creepypasta but I didn't know what they where so I ignored it. Time skip to the start of 2021 I found a out about creepypastas and decided to read some the first ever one I Believe was Tobys! Time skip a few months later I had left the fandom because I use to be scared of everything and I mean everything. So I had got back into it and I read more and more and now I am a huge creepypasta fan! And still am to today! 

Here are a few questions that you might be wondering!

Who's my favorite creepypasta? My favorite creepypasta characters areToby, sally, Ben drowned, and bloody painter!

Who's my lest favorite creepypasta? My last favorite  creepypasta is well I believe that he is most peoples lest favorite so I don't thank I even need to say who at this point.

Any ships I ship? I use to ship clockwork with Toby before finding out it was no longer canon :( 

If you have any questions I didn't put here just comment them and I'll try to answer them!

☕️ my creepypasta experiences ☕️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz