ch. 7

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ahh sike wasn't even nobody

"drunk n love"

"drunk n love"

;feb 19, 9:37 pm

You get kinda happy, because your phone got charged enough for you to turn, over to the other side of your bed which was decorated and black and pink silk sheets that love got you so you can match which was so surprising because she usually called match and said corny, well cause they are. as you were on tiktok, the bright colors shining on your face, DING, a message from love quotation mark "hey boo, I saw Connie and eren and they gave me a ride 😈, we're On the Way!"" shit, space I didn't mean that I hate this keyboard" "bitch reply" love spammed your phone, you looked at the screen then looked at what you were wearing "BUTVH IHYSM I LOOK LIKE A WHOLE ASS BUM RN"

today 9:41 pm



You quickly got up and took your bonnet off and brush your long HD jet black lace. put it in a hair clip in the back off your head, took of the big shirt and put on a nikes sports bra and kept on your gray sweatpants and put on some socks and got back in bed trying not to be obvious

you heard the front door open "Y/NNNNNNNNNNN" love said shouting your name "i'm in my room bro" you replied scrolling in ur dms deciding to reply or not biting the skin off your lips(i have a habit) *20% battery remaining* you click low power mode , you grouned and flipped back to the side

"damn what's wrong wit you" eren said opening your door "do you not know how to knock bitch" you said "who you talking to" he said ooou that my my pussy jumó "just close the door " you said smacking your lips. eren sits in your vanity chair and spins around then turns your direction "you listen to tyler ?" eren said sliding his feet half way out the slides "duh" you slouched over and out ur elbow on ur knees opening your phone

"who you texting" eren said shaking his legs "nobody" you said closing instagram then shutting your phone off "nahh yo sneaky as-Y/N CAN U GO TO TARGET" love yelled busting in your room " unt..what was y'all doing" love put her hand on her hip putting the light pink cup to her out lined glossy lips "nothing ion so shit with tucks" you said giggling
"oh fr?" eren said getting out the set get close to you your face at his waist ..almost lower he look down at you, you automatically looked up and observed his green orbs and his long ass eyelashes as he blinked. "move" you push him out the way "i'm finna go to target" you say. eren squeezes your hair clip making your hair messed up and falling out of the clip 36' Brazilian hair perfectly installed (ahhh pur) "why yo hair so long" eren said playing with the clip ," why you always asking so many questions" you snatch the clip out his hands

"i just wanna know more about you"


hmmmm?🤔 this was kinda rushed im so sorry

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