ice cream

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"Baby, can we please go back to sleep" Laziz said sleepily as he snuggled into the pillow

It was midnight. The 2 of them had just finished their movie night marathon, and Raf had suddenly craved Ice cream despite the cold weather.

She had been asking and pouting at Laziz for ice cream for hours (it was just 5 minutes really, but Raf thinks it had been a few hours) now, and yet nothing works

"But I want to get ice cream," Raf pouted

"It's midnight, we can't get ice cream right now" Laziz insisted

"But I want ice cream" Raf said, pleading

"I'm not getting you ice cream" Laziz said sleepily

After a few minutes, Laziz noticed the bed lighten and Raf had been become silent, confused, Laziz looked up and Raf was still in the room, she was seated on the couch at the corner of their room, pouting and reading a book

Sensing something staring at her, Raf looked up from her book and made eye contact with Laziz, and 'Oh uh' Laziz thought and sighed as he huffed in defeat


A few minutes later, Laziz finds himself finding a spot to park his blue chevy spark, the moment Laziz parked his car, Raf immediately sprung from the shotgun seat and squealed happily

"I hate you so much" Laziz pouted he said huffing as they strolled to the nearest 7/11

"Come on bubba" Raf said happily as she held Laziz's hand, not letting go

Entering the store, Raf immediately ran to the ice cream section, pulling Laziz with her

"Oh, I can't choose, I want the cookies and cream but I also want the double dutch" Raf huffed as she looked at the flavors of the ice cream in front of her

Suddenly she gasped, "Babe, look, they have ube queso" she said as she grabbed the 2 tubs of ube queso, "This is what I'm buying" she smiled

Raf was about to leave the sweet section when she saw the cake, she grabbed one and showed it to Laziz

"You want cake?" Raf asked Laziz, beaming

Laziz chuckled, "No, I want sleep" he said

"I think you want cake" Raf said as she stuck her tongue out making Laziz chuckle, "No" he said laughing

They strolled inside the store for a bit before paying for the 7 tubs of ice cream they brought

Laziz bought many more flavors just in case Raf gets a sudden craving for ice cream again


As soon they got home, Raf instantly ate the ube queso ice cream they brought whilst they watch another movie

Laziz looked at Raf, smiling, this ice cream event was definitely one of Laziz's memorable happenings from now on

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